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Set off the brand-new semester

发布日期:2019-02-28 11:39阅读:人

On the afternoon of February 19th, students from Grade 4 and 5 at Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School gathered together in the indoor basketball stadium to celebrate the opening ceremony of the second semester of the 2018 school year.   At first, Amy from Grade 4 Class 4 spoke as our representative, sharing with us her arts of study and her secretive key to having unique personalities—to play, to love, and to show. She concluded her speech with a lovely poem, which inspired all of us - everyone is a unique diamond; believe in yourself and shine bravely.   For the Grade 5 students who are going to graduate soon, what would be their feelings? Isaac from Grade 5 Class 3 shared with us his treasured time spent at Starriver and his precious memories with his teachers and classmates. He mentioned his great development during primary school, and he advised his schoolmates to work hard to achieve fruitful goals and leave themselves with joyful memories even though they may face the upcoming graduation and sorrowful separation.   Then, Ms. Ailsa welcomed new students into our big family, and she offered three warm suggestions for students setting off the brand-new semester – to bear in mind your dream and your goal; to bring yourself confidence and resilience; and to show your diligence and hard work. At last, Ms. Ailsa gave us some expectations that the teachers hold for the students - to cherish time and make the most of it to realize your dreams; to maintain your backbone and integrity, and to stay immersed in the study all the time; to shoulder your responsibility, not escaping from your goals.   Mr. Chad delivered a guiding and inspirational speech. He conveyed teachers’ requirements to students from Grade 4 and 5 – to abide by the rules, to work hard and diligently, and to be kind to other people. He also required the students to set expectations and goals for themselves and ask themselves - during this semester, how should I make progress? How do I develop better habits? What kind of plan should I make and how should I carry on? The teachers are willing to work side by side with the students, to make the new semester a better one!   Lastly came the most exciting moment - the award for ten stars. Those who won the Caring Star are Gloria, Cindy, and Cassie from Grade 4; and Kitty, Shangrila, and Olivia from Grade 5.   Those who won the Honesty Star are Ethan Y, Nolan, and Kevin W from Grade 4; and Hannah, James, and Heidi from Grade 5.   Those who won the Good Discipline Star are Mason, Sheena, and Olivia from Grade 4; and Thomas R, Sunny, and Johnson from Grade 5.   Those who won the Progress Star are Joanna, Daniel, and Bruce, Terry, Antonio, and Emily from Grade 4; and Keke, Alice, Elsa, Lydia, and Emma from Grade 5.   Those who won the Good Sports Star are James, Katie, and Brian from Grade 4; and Michael, Simon, and Jason from Grade 5.   Those who won the Art Star are Susie, Cherry, and Jerry from Grade 4; and Emily, Nina, and Jerry from Grade 5.   Those who won the Reading Star are Sam, Amy, and Brook from Grade 4; and Daniel, Cindy D, and Caleb from Grade 5.   Those who won the Supervisor Star are Dora, Ian, and Grace from Grade 4; and Ariel, Amy, and Alice from Grade 5.   Those who won the Study Star are Teresa, Anita, and Jason from Grade 4; and Laura, Albert, Doris, and Nicole from Grade 5.   Finally, those who won the Semester Star are Vivienne, Ivan, Sean, Hannah, Mickey, and Josef from Grade 4; and Franz, Cathy, Lucas, Helen, Alice, and Ida from Grade 5.   Congratulations on the winners’ great efforts and glory! May all the students from Grade 4 and 5 work hard, behave well, break through obstacles, and achieve a big step in the upcoming semester!

1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
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Set off the brand-new semester-上海星河湾双语学校-远播国际学校


Set off the brand-new semester

发布日期:2019-02-28 11:39 阅读:人

On the afternoon of February 19th, students from Grade 4 and 5 at Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School gathered together in the indoor basketball stadium to celebrate the opening ceremony of the second semester of the 2018 school year.   At first, Amy from Grade 4 Class 4 spoke as our representative, sharing with us her arts of study and her secretive key to having unique personalities—to play, to love, and to show. She concluded her speech with a lovely poem, which inspired all of us - everyone is a unique diamond; believe in yourself and shine bravely.   For the Grade 5 students who are going to graduate soon, what would be their feelings? Isaac from Grade 5 Class 3 shared with us his treasured time spent at Starriver and his precious memories with his teachers and classmates. He mentioned his great development during primary school, and he advised his schoolmates to work hard to achieve fruitful goals and leave themselves with joyful memories even though they may face the upcoming graduation and sorrowful separation.   Then, Ms. Ailsa welcomed new students into our big family, and she offered three warm suggestions for students setting off the brand-new semester – to bear in mind your dream and your goal; to bring yourself confidence and resilience; and to show your diligence and hard work. At last, Ms. Ailsa gave us some expectations that the teachers hold for the students - to cherish time and make the most of it to realize your dreams; to maintain your backbone and integrity, and to stay immersed in the study all the time; to shoulder your responsibility, not escaping from your goals.   Mr. Chad delivered a guiding and inspirational speech. He conveyed teachers’ requirements to students from Grade 4 and 5 – to abide by the rules, to work hard and diligently, and to be kind to other people. He also required the students to set expectations and goals for themselves and ask themselves - during this semester, how should I make progress? How do I develop better habits? What kind of plan should I make and how should I carry on? The teachers are willing to work side by side with the students, to make the new semester a better one!   Lastly came the most exciting moment - the award for ten stars. Those who won the Caring Star are Gloria, Cindy, and Cassie from Grade 4; and Kitty, Shangrila, and Olivia from Grade 5.   Those who won the Honesty Star are Ethan Y, Nolan, and Kevin W from Grade 4; and Hannah, James, and Heidi from Grade 5.   Those who won the Good Discipline Star are Mason, Sheena, and Olivia from Grade 4; and Thomas R, Sunny, and Johnson from Grade 5.   Those who won the Progress Star are Joanna, Daniel, and Bruce, Terry, Antonio, and Emily from Grade 4; and Keke, Alice, Elsa, Lydia, and Emma from Grade 5.   Those who won the Good Sports Star are James, Katie, and Brian from Grade 4; and Michael, Simon, and Jason from Grade 5.   Those who won the Art Star are Susie, Cherry, and Jerry from Grade 4; and Emily, Nina, and Jerry from Grade 5.   Those who won the Reading Star are Sam, Amy, and Brook from Grade 4; and Daniel, Cindy D, and Caleb from Grade 5.   Those who won the Supervisor Star are Dora, Ian, and Grace from Grade 4; and Ariel, Amy, and Alice from Grade 5.   Those who won the Study Star are Teresa, Anita, and Jason from Grade 4; and Laura, Albert, Doris, and Nicole from Grade 5.   Finally, those who won the Semester Star are Vivienne, Ivan, Sean, Hannah, Mickey, and Josef from Grade 4; and Franz, Cathy, Lucas, Helen, Alice, and Ida from Grade 5.   Congratulations on the winners’ great efforts and glory! May all the students from Grade 4 and 5 work hard, behave well, break through obstacles, and achieve a big step in the upcoming semester!

1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

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