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合肥加拿大国际学校| MYP Open House

发布日期:2019-08-19 11:06阅读:3195人

  We held our MYP Open House for current and prospective parents

  We talked about what we do at CISH, our curriculum and practices. We are proud to announce that students did most of the talking and shared their experiences as students in the MYP at CISH. Parents had the opportunity to listen to our students.

  We are proud of our students, Morris, Coffee and Vito for their speeches and thankful for their enthusiasm to participate and share how they ended up being responsible, self-confident, open-minded inquirers.

  Many thanks to our teachers for their preparations for classroom activities. Only with their support, our parents experienced inquiry based, student-centered teaching practices at CISH.

  Photos from our CISH MYP Open House


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