报名咨询热线 4008-200-288

Admission Regulations

Admissions Information

Harrow International School Shanghai looks to admit pupils with the aptitude, ability and personality to thrive in and contribute to a diverse international community. The School’s vision statement Leadership for a better world strongly influence the key areas of emphasis in the School and, therefore, the factors that are important in its admissions procedures and decision-making are evidence of:

  • Academic excellence
  • Commitment to a broad range of extra-curricular activities

The School holds Open Days. Prospective parents are welcome to join these sessions where members of staff will introduce the School and address questions face to face. The specific dates and times of these sessions are posted on our school website together with a registration form.

Application Fee

The Application Fee is RMB3,000 for each application. It is non-refundable and non-transferrable and is to be submitted along with the completed application form.

Bank Name:恒生银行(上海)有限公司上海分行

Account Name:上海哈罗外籍人员子女学校

Account Number:511-103590-011

Entry in August 2019

Please refer to the age guidelines for the appropriate year of entry.

How to Apply for a Place

Submit the online application form and email or post the following supporting documents:
  • One digital passport-size photograph of each pupil and each of parents/guardian
  • Copy of the pupil’s passport with the valid visa and permit page (if applicable)
  • Copy of the pupil’s birth certificate
  • Copy of the pupil’s current vaccination/immunisation record
  • Copy of the pupil’s official school reports for the past two years in English, or notarised if translated from another language (not necessary for Early Years)
  • Supporting documents of educational/psychological testing, IEP, or individual learning needs (if applicable)
  • Copy of the parents/guardian’s passport with the valid visa and permit page (if applicable)
  • Copy of the parent’s work permit (upon availability) (If the visas and working permit are not available prior to the pupil starting school, parents must provide the School with a letter from their employers with an official company chop indicating a date by which they will supply the required documents.)
  • A bank pay-in slip confirming payment of the non-refundable Application Fee of RMB1,000

Individual learning needs may be discussed with the Admissions Office before applying to the School.

2. Please submit the documentation to:
  Harrow International School Shanghai Admissions Office, No.588 Gaoxi Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China 200137 上海市浦东新区高西路588号招生部, 邮编200137
3. The Application is not completed until the parents have received an acknowledgement of the application and the Application Fee has been duly paid. If you do not receive the acknowledgement email, please contact the Admissions Office. Please note that the acknowledgement of application is not a guarantee of assessment or offer of a place in the School.
4. Please note that parents may apply for a place two years in advance of when they want their child to start at the School and the application is valid only for the school year the student will first enter (August to June).
Important Notice:
The School has no ties with any agents whatsoever. All potential applications are assessed according to the established Admissions policies, procedures and criteria. Applications completed through agents, or even through Harrow staff recommendations, do not have extra preferential treatment. Our Admissions procedures are strict, and the Admissions team ensure that the processes are followed properly. We encourage all applications to be submitted directly to the School via the Admissions Office.

Admissions Assessments and Interviews

English is the only inclusive language common to pupils and therefore is the language of instruction. As such, pupils are expected to have a working knowledge of English on entry to the School.

Applicants may be invited to sit assessments subject to the availability of places and will be interviewed by one of the senior teachers.

The assessments will include: English, Mathematics and Non-verbal Reasoning for Year 2 and above. For Early Years (Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Reception) and Year 1 pupils, assessments will be less formal, but equally rigorous.

Parents should ensure their child’s passport is brought to the assessment session. The dress code is school uniform or smart-casual. Parents are required to bring along the original bank pay-in slip for the Assessment Fee.

Applicants currently not living in China who are seeking a place in Year 2 or above may be asked to take assessments in their current school or at an authorised examination centre.

Notification of Entry

Places are offered based on the results of computer based and written assessments, interviews, and the strength of recent school reports with regard to:

  • Academic ability
  • Ability and participation in extra-curricular activities
  • Alignment to the School’s ethos and vision statement Leadership for a better  world

Subsequent to the assessment and interview, applicants will be notified as to whether or not they have been:

  • Offered a guaranteed place.
  • Placed on a waiting list, a place will be offered when available but is only valid within the same academic year.
  • Unsuccessful in their application.

Unless there are exceptional circumstances, the School will place pupils in the correct year group by age.

Parents, who would like their child’s entry postponed, should apply to the Admissions Office in writing. If the School agrees to this, there is no need to pay a further Application Fee and the application will remain on the list but is only valid for the academic year for which the place was applied.

Acceptance of a Place

In order to accept the offer of a place, parents should complete and return the Acceptance Letter within 10 working days to the School. Failure to do so may result in the place being offered to another pupil.

Induction materials will also be sent out which will provide details of starting dates, class placement and uniform purchase.

Cancelling Acceptance

Once accepted, if parents do not give at least one term’s notice that their child is leaving the School, they will be required to pay one term’s fees.

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为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》