殷** 提问:
Q** 提问:
What is the school’s dress code?
Students are required to wear a school uniform, which can be purchased at the school. Specific details can be found in the student handbook.
Y** 提问:
How international are you?
Approximately 25% of our students are from South Korea, 20% are from North America, and the remaining come from a variety of countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia, and Oceania.
W** 提问:
What standards does the school follow?
Most of our subjects use the AERO (American Education Reaches Out) standards, which are based on the Common Core Standards
L** 提问:
Where are your teachers from?
Our teachers are from all over, including the USA, UK, Canada, Philippines, Malaysia, Africa, and China.
Z** 提问:
What qualifications do your teachers have?
All teachers hold a bachelor’s degree. Many of our teachers have earned or are currently in the process of earning a master’s degree.
Y** 提问:
How is the school accredited?
WYIS is officially accredited by AdvancED with the following divisions: The North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC), and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI).
1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。