

ISASC Curriculum 融合与创新 | 爱莎科学城学校课程全解析

发布日期:2024-06-21 15:43 阅读:548人

With its innovative educational philosophy, the school combines the highly regarded IB advanced education system with the Chinese basic education curriculum, as well as a diverse co-curriculum to provide students with a rich array of learning opportunities, creating a holistic education system that aims to achieve balanced development.

作为一所为IB项目量身打造的K12国际文凭世界学校,广州科学城爱莎外籍人员子女学校创新教育理念,将全球高度认可的IB先进教育体系与中国基础教育课程相结合,并融入强大的世界多语言教学和丰富多样的拓展课程,为学生提供全流程国际文凭IB项目(PYP, MYP & DP)以及丰富多元的课堂之外的学习机会,打造真正实现均衡发展的全人教育体系。

IB Curriculum 国际文凭课程项目

The International Baccalaureate (IB) programme is not based on any one country's curriculum, but is self-contained, covering a wide range of subjects, with an emphasis on balanced and interdisciplinary learning across disciplines. The IB system is recognised internationally for its academic excellence, but also for its focus on the physical, emotional and social development of the whole child, and for its commitment to preparing students to become global citizens with an international perspective and lifelong learning skills.


ISASC is now a fully certified IB World School and has been granted full authorization to deliver the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).

目前,爱莎科学城学校已通过国际文凭组织的全面授权,获得IB PYP (国际文凭幼小项目)、IB MYP (国际文凭中学项目)认证及IBDP (国际文凭大学预科项目)认证,是一所拥有IB全流程认证的国际文凭世界学校(IB World School)。

As the flagship school of the ISA International Education Group, ISASC has always adhered to the same philosophy as the Group, with IB inquiry-based teaching as its core, and is committed to providing each student with a suitable education model, and to supporting ISA students to become world civilisation spreaders and rule-makers with an inquiring mind and international perspective.


Language Programmes 多语言学习项目

As an international community with a multicultural mix, ISA Science City School places a strong emphasis on language learning. The school offers five major language learning programmes to meet the individual language learning needs of students of all ages, from kindergarten to high school.


In the three years since the school was founded in August 2020, the school has led its students to achieve a number of highly prestigious Chinese language competitions’ awards:


Beyond the Classroom 课堂之外

In addition to academics, ISASC also places a strong emphasis on the development of students in the arts, sports, critical thinking and more personalised areas, providing a comprehensive, high quality Cocurricular Programme (CCA) and after-school & weekend programmes (provided by ISA International Academy) for students of all ages to pursue personalised options, as well as providing strong professional-level training support and competition-level coaching for the arts, sports and academic school teams, leading students to participate in various competitions, nurturing their unique strengths while giving them the courage and strength to step onto more international stages.


At present, the school offers around 80 Cocurricular courses (academic, language, arts, STEM, sports), which are open at the end of the formal school day (3:45pm-4:30pm).


Cocurricular Programmes 拓展课程 (CCA)

*some of the courses shown below 部分课程展示

Orff Music Classes | 奥尔夫音乐课

Music Theatre | 音乐戏剧

Arts & Crafts | 艺术与手工

STEM Clubs | STEM俱乐部

Ceramics Club | 陶艺俱乐部

Ballet | 芭蕾

LEGO Club | 乐高俱乐部

Violin | 小提琴

Italian for Beginners | 意大利语

Latin Dance Beginner | 拉丁舞

Street Dance | 街舞

Chinese Brush Script | 软笔书法

Sewing Club | 缝纫俱乐部

English Poetry | 英语诗歌创作

Video Production | 视频创作

English Poetry for Kids | 少儿英语诗歌

Electronic Piano | 电子琴

Programming | 编程

English Public Speaking | 英语公开演讲

Primary School Choir | 小学合唱团

Science for Kids | 少儿科学课

English Film Club | 英文电影赏析

Chinese Language Arts | 中国语言艺术

Introductory Guitar | 吉他入门

Hand Rope Knitting | 手绳编织课

Model United Nations | 模拟联合国

Beginner Cello | 大提琴入门

Science Course Plus | 科学课程培优

Pop Rock Band | 流行摇滚乐团

Chinese Dance | 民族舞

Introduction to Sound for Stage Performance

| 旁白/配音课程

Launching of Astronomical Telescope Club

| 发射天文望远镜俱乐部

3D Printing | 3D打印

Secondary School Choir | 中学合唱团

Student Service Club | 学生服务俱乐部

Jazz Dance | 爵士舞

Chinese Debate | 中文辩论社

University Application Advice Club

| 大学升学指导

Orchestra | 管弦乐队

Piano Four-Hands | 钢琴四手联弹

Chinese Reading and Writing Club

| 中文阅读和写作

Chinese Film Appreciation | 中文电影赏析

Self-study Classes | 自习课堂

Combined sports | 综合体育

Basketball | 篮球

Yoga | 瑜伽

Swimming | 游泳

Fencing | 击剑

Golf | 高尔夫

Badminton | 羽毛球

Tennis | 网球

Volleyball | 排球

Football | 足球

Baseball | 棒球

Kung Fu | 中国功夫

Track & Field | 田径项目

Equestrian | 马术

* These are some of the courses shown above


In addition, the school operates in conjunction with ISA International Academy, the professional education service platform of ISA Education Group, to provide students with additional interest programmes on top of our after-school classes, covering sports, technology, Chinese studies, literacy and philanthropy. These programmes are held daily after school (5-6pm) and at weekends. Through close collaboration with the Academy, the school will provide more professional management and guidance to the school's choir, orchestra, research team, Model United Nations and other integrated clubs, providing students with more opportunities to explore areas outside the classroom and helping them to achieve personalised and whole-person development.



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