【校长介绍】 定铨校长作为我校“英才计划”的总设计师,从学校人才培养的战略高度上,对“英才班”的各项工作提出了更高的努力目标,鼓励学生“崇尚高贵,笃行平凡”,在各方面严格要求自己,成为贤达学生的标杆。
Head of ESL Department and Instructor of Social Studies Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in theatre, and her Bachelor of Education degree from the University of Winnipeg, and then went on to earn her Post Baccalaureate and Master's degree in Adult and Post-Secondary Education in 2015 from the University of Manitoba. A proud First Nation, an accomplished educator for the past 12 years.
【显示更多】 【收起详情】Sam, originally from Ontario, he began his teaching career in Korea where he taught for three years. After his time in Asia, he received B. Ed from Lakehead University, and began teaching high school in his hometown. In 2014, with his wife, he moved to Vancouver. He enjoys teaching his students and observing their academic improvement as they go on to achieve their dreams. When he is not teaching, you can find him at the curling club, at the skating rink or at Nat Bailey Stadium cheering on the Canadians.
【显示更多】 【收起详情】University of Calgary with two degrees, Bachelor of Fine Arts and Bachelor of Education, through the Drama/Education five year concurrent program. With his extensive knowledge in acting, he plan to put together a Drama program where students can learn to express themselves in a way that can only be made possible through the arts
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