


发布日期:2024-01-12 16:31 阅读:2216人


  International Education Group, Beijing Foreign Studies University


  The International Education Group, Beijing Foreign Studies University, or BFSU International, is part of Beijing Foreign Studies University. BFSU International is engaged in K-12 education, including school operations, curriculum design and delivery, teacher and student development, evaluation and research, featuring language education and internationalization. The university’s academic pursuit and global perspective are drivers in BFSU International’s commitment to the exploration and innovation of both ideology and practices to establish the excellence in international education.

  1. 有故事的北京外国语大学国际课程中心

  A Unique BFSU International Curriculum Centre

  北京外国语大学国际课程中心依托于北京外国语大学师资力量和丰富的教学资源,以及与海外学校、大学和教育机构的合作,旨在打造国际和本土教育相融合的特色国际教育课程,为学生提供走向全球教育的路径。“北京外国语大学国际课程中心”作为剑桥大学国际考评部国内高校合作伙伴,引进了全日制 IGCSE 和 A Level 课程体系,并得到美国大学理事会和教育部考试中心的授权,成为美国大学先修课 AP 考试的考点。目前,已在苏州、北京、宁波、杭州、如皋设立了五个国际课程中心。

  BFSU International Curriculum Centre provides IGCSE and A Level programme for Chinese students who plan for overseas undergraduate studies. It is also an AP Exams centre authorised by the US College Board and the National Education Examinations Authority (NEEA). Now, it has established five International Curriculum Centres respectively in Beijing, Suzhou, Ningbo, Hangzhou and Rugao.


  1.1 我们是一个与全球88个国家281所大学建立合作关系的国际课程中心

  An International Curriculum Centre in partnership with more than 281 universities in 88 countries




  Leading China’s foreign language education and serving China’s development strategies, we offer degree-bearing programmes in the studies of 101 foreign languages;

  Known as the “Cradle of Diplomats”, we have over 400 ambassadors among BFSU alumni;“Internationalization” is the DNA of BFSU.

  1.2 我们是一个自带雅思托福和AP考点的国际课程中心

  We are an International Curriculum Center with our own IELTS, TOEFL and AP test sites


  We provide IELTS, TOEFL and AP exam registration and training services;

  We provide unique BFSU training programmes including "Pathway Programme", "Academic Programme", and "Young Elite Programme";

  We provide special courses "Academic Reading & Writing" targeting Chinese students’ weakness;All training programmes are customised to meet both the teaching plan and the students’ needs.

  1.3 我们是一个大学教授云集的国际课程中心

  An International Curriculum Centre endorsed by BFSU professors



  We provide liberal education courses certificated by BFSU; We organize top talks and activities hosted by renowned professors;We offer research programmes supervised by professors in different disciplines.

  1.4 我们是一个在国际化大学校园里的国际课程中心

  An International Curriculum Centre situated in an international university campus

  • 图书馆 • 体育馆

  • 餐厅 • 多语校园

  • 社团活动 • 海外师生

  • Library • Gym

  • Cafeteria • Multi-lingual Campus

  • Social Clubs

  • Overseas Teachers and Students

  1.5 我们是一个为学生量身打造通向全球教育整体规划的国际课程中心

  An International Curriculum Centre that offers counseling service tailored to every individual student




  We design Learning Roadmap for each student in their language education, academic studies and social activities;

  We support, monitor and evaluate the fulfillment of the plans set by Learning Roadmap;

  2. 有故事的课程体系【点击咨询课程详情】

  A Unique International Curriculum


  BFSU International Curriculum Centre offers three-year full-time high school programmes with the core module of Cambridge International’s IGCSE and A Level and five supporting modules to foster students’ competence in language education, academic skills and social activities.


  Grade 10 Curriculum


  Grade 11 Curriculum


  Grade 12 Curriculum

  3. 有故事的老师

  A Unique Teaching Team



  The BFSU ICC has 25 teachers with 9 international teachers who come from the United Kingdom, the United States of America, India, Egypt, Kenya, Bangladesh.

  In addition, 80% of the teachers graduated from university abroad; furthermore, 2 of the teaching staffs have PHDs. As we are situated on a university campus, we have access to all of the university amenities such as the library, sports facilities and academic activities. In addition, students have weekly lectures delivered by university faculty members.

  4. 有故事的“成长契约”

  The Unique Learning Roadmap


  Learning Roadmap is a counselling service tailored for every individual student who decides to pursue international education. It is designed to guide students, through counselling, diagnosis, planning, acting, support and evaluation, to understand the world with an international vision, to expand their view and to gain growth in three areas: language ability, academic subjects, and enrichment activities.

  “成长契约”服务包括:Learning Roadmap provides planning in three areas:



  All students at BFSU International Curriculum Centre are entitled to the above services of Learning Roadmap by professional counsellors from their entrance to the centre until their successful admission to overseas schools or universities.

  5. 学生管理Student Management

  5.1 学生安全管理

  Student Safety Management





  The school has corresponding plans on safety awareness cultivation, related safety system, safety monitoring and safety evaluation. There are full-time head teachers and dorm teachers responsible for the daily management of students.

  • Students' leave and use of mobile phones and computers are strictly supervised and controlled by our head teachers and director of moral education. All leaves must be in strict accordance with school regulations on campus treasure system;

  • Dorm teachers strictly follow the bedtime and wake-up time rules to ensure students arrive at the classroom and return to the dormitory on time;

  • Head teachers record students' performance in school every week. The teacher will get in touch with the student’s parents immediately if the student have any problems in study or life to ensure the students' study progress and their well-being.

  5. 2 宿舍管理

  Dormitory Management

  宿舍为三人间配备、独立卫浴、个人写字台、衣柜、净化器、保险柜、公共区域无死角监控、24 小时轮岗值班学生安全。

  The triple room dormitory with independent bathroom, personal desk, personal wardrobe, purifier, safe, and monitoring equipment in public areas. The school also appoints security personnel on 24-hour shift duty to ensure the safety of students.

  5.3 家校沟通体系

  Parent Communication System


  •家长会:2-3 次/学期、并不定时一对一约谈;




  A head teacher has been appointed to each class for regular contacts with students’ parents on a weekly basis through WeChat, phone, e-mail, mail and other ways to communicate with parents.

  • Parent-teacher Conference: 2-3 times/semester, one-to-one interview from time to time;

  •School Performance Report: We record the highlights of students' school performance and send weekly reports to students’ parents;

  • Student Management System (Schoolpal): Parents can log in the system with the parent account of the student management system, and learn about students' attendance status, school performance, examination results, homework, etc at any time.

  • Parents can also communicate with their children’s teachers through WeChat or phones from time to time.

  6. 美丽校园Beautiful Campus


  BFSU International Curriculum Center is located in the west campus of Beijing Foreign Studies University, 19 Xisanhuan North Road, Haidian District, Beijing. Along with the garden like campus, BFSU ICC has teaching areas, laboratories, computer classroom, a library, a gymnasium, a playground, a basketball court, a badminton court, canteens, dormitories and so on.

  7. 招生录取流程Recruitment Flowchart

  8. 奖学金Entrance Scholarships:【点击咨询奖学金申请详情】


  BFSU International offers full scholarships, half scholarships, and individual scholarships for outstanding students ( The scholarships are one-time awards which do not cover school uniform fees, meals, accommodation fees, extracurricular activities fees, etc.)


1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

预约探校 招生报名



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