鉴于目前新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情发展情况,为进一步做好疫情防控工作, 全体师生生命安全及身体健康,我校将按照上级主管部门的指引,尽量保持和公立学校同期开学。详细安排如下:
In view of the current development of Covid-19 epidemic, and in order to further improve the prevention and control of the epidemic for the safety and health of all teachers and students, the school will follow the guidelines of our superior authority and try to schedule the same opening date as public schools. Below is the detailed arrangement:
1. 学校暂定 2021 年 8 月 30 日开学。我们会在开学前做好疫情防控预案,返校师生的生命安全与身体健康(具体方案会在开学前公示)。
The school is tentatively scheduled to start on August 30, 2021. An epidemic prevention and control plan will be done before the opening to ensure the safety and health of teachers and students returning to school (the specific plan will be announced before the school starts).
The school will maintain close contact with relevant government departments. If it is necessary to adjust the opening time again according to the situation, the school will inform parents as soon as possible.
The school calendar will be revised after the new semester starts, with holidays and end of semester to be adjusted accordingly. Please rest assured that the adjustments will ensure the completion of teaching tasks.
较后,提醒各位家长重视自我防范,减少公共场所活动,注意个人与家庭卫生, 密切留意自己和家人身体状况。学校会与您保持密切沟通。
Finally, we would like to remind all parents to stay cautious, keep safe, reduce public activities, maintain personal and home hygiene, and pay close attention to the physical condition of yourself and family members. The school will maintain close communication with you.
所有学生均应携带填报完整的 14 天内新冠肺炎防控健康登记卡,请务必逐日填写,返校当天需手写“本健康卡所填内容完全属实,如有弄虚作假,一切责任自负” 并签名后上交。
All students should bring a completed 14-day health form when returning to school, so please be sure to fill it out day by day. A handwritten declaration and signature are required on the bottom of the form: I declare that all information recorded is true. If not, I shall take full responsibility.
We wish you all safety, health and happiness!
Changsha WES Academy
Changsha WES Bilingual Academy