

常州威雅 | 课外课程——汽车建造 Cart Construction ECA

发布日期:2023-03-07 09:49 阅读:2205人


  Cart Construction ECA

  常州威雅校内地下车库迎来了汽车建造项目开展的第二个年头。上学期,六位学生对停放在车库里的沙漠越野车 “大做文章”——运用基于问题的解决方法,完成组建一辆功能性汽车的任务。要知道在刚开学的时候,呈现在学生面前的只有一个光秃秃的金属底盘和部分零件,学生要使用归纳演绎法完成组装任务。

  The Wycombe Abbey Garage located at Wycombe Abbey’s Changzhou branch, in its 2nd year of operation welcomed 6 new students to work on it’s “Dune buggy” style car this term. A problem-based approach was used and students were tasked with assembling and building a fully functional car successfully. A bare-body chassis and the different parts of the vehicle were presented and the students had to use Inductive and Deductive Approaches to complete this task.



  This ECA provides learners with the hands-on experience of working safely in a garage, knowledge of the different parts of a vehicle and their purpose, learning about and using specialist tools to assemble/disassemble different parts of a vehicle. Students learned how an ‘Internal Combustion Engine’ works and understand how power transfer happens from the engine to the wheels. The naked frame of the car enabled them to look at the insides of the vehicle frame, the suspension system and know how the power is transmitted from the engine using the chain drive mechanism.

  “纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行。”学生可以将IGCSE和A Level课程中学到的有关力学、转矩、冲力、功率和不同电子元件等物理知识运用到实际操作中,并在实践中实现理论知识的“梦幻联动”。在这门课程中,学生们第 一次采用项目管理这一形式进行实践,将所有需要完成的任务列成清单,并为每项任务设定了截止时间。学生们分工明确,以在规定时间里成功完成汽车建造的任务。

  Learners were able to apply physics concepts like forces, torque, momentum, power and the different electronic components that they learnt in IGCSE and A-Level to a real-life task and were successfully able to link these ideas in practice. They worked in a project management style scenario by first laying out tasks in a checklist that needed to be completed and set deadlines for these tasks. Roles were assigned to each student and they managed to complete the task of building the car successfully within the time frame.


  许多学生是初次使用这些工具,在学习这些工具的名字和用法方面,他们收获了前所未有的体验。汽车完成搭建后,学生们成功试驾了这辆车。汽车所有部件运转良好! 之后紧接着的一周,学生们又亲临卡丁车赛道,过了一把开卡丁车的瘾,完成了许多学生的卡丁车初体验。开卡丁车非常考验学生的控制力和方向感,但同学们都驾驶得不错。在后两周的课外活动课程中,学生们完成了沙漠越野车的拆卸工作,并根据以往课程内容形成书面的指南和提示,将它们“传承”给下一批选修汽车建造课外课的同学们。

  Many of the students were using such kind of tools for the first time and had a great experience learning the names of the tools and mastering their use. Upon completion of the task students took a small, supervised test drive in the car and were ecstatic to see the machine perform well. A more controlled and guided activity awaited them at the go-karting track the following week where most students drove a go kart for the first time. The final two weeks of the ECA required them to dis-assemble the car and leave guidance and tips for the next group who would take over this task.


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