




【校长介绍】 ●江苏教育学院中文本科,南京师范大学教育管理专业硕士研究生课程班,中央党校高级研究班、澳大利亚昆士兰大学高级研修班结业。   ●原江苏省四星级高中校长,教育局党委书记,副调研员;淮安市新马高级中学执行长、校长;中加枫华国际学校总校长。   ●江苏省劳动模范,淮安市人大代表、党代表;江苏省民办学校最具创新力校长。   ●主持多项省级以上教科研课题研究,如国家级《教师继续教育校本位培训模式》和《教师心理健康教育研究》”,省级《运用掌握学习策略 促进中学生学习心理健康发展》和《促进农村高中学生学习动力系统自我建构的实践研究》,均担任课题组组长。中国中学学习科学研究会专家组成员。   ●独立撰写、领衔主编教育心理学著作,参与编写语文教学类著作共110多万字。在省级以上报刊发表文学研究、教育教学、学校管理论文数十篇。

Kevin Harrison


【校长介绍】 加拿大Saskatchewan大学教育学学士,英属哥伦比亚大学学士,BC部校长 Kevin Harrison   美国南加州圣地亚哥大学硕士。加拿大BC省任教和担任校长达40年,曾三次获得加拿大“最具声望教育者”奖项,其中包括优秀教学总理奖,Hilroy全国教育创新优秀奖。同时将创新技术应用于教学,获得Marshall Mcluhan优秀教师奖。   2013年,作为全球40位杰出教育者之一,出席澳大利亚凯恩斯国际校长会议。


常务副总校长 高中部校长

【校长介绍】 ●22年教育经历,16年国际教育管理经验   ●法国科学经济与管理学院(IÉSEG)硕士 ;香港教育大学国际教育领导力硕士;北京大学教育学院SOMIS高级研修   ●任教英语和经济学;曾任多所国际学校副校长和校长   ●擅长国际教育课程管理和留学移民规划。已帮数百名学生成功进入耶鲁大学、多伦多大学、麦吉尔大学等世界排名前百名校


副总校长 初中部校长

【校长介绍】 ●江苏教育学院本科,南京师范大学教育管理专业硕士研究生。中学高级教师。市县学科领头人。   ●曾任高中校长16年、初中校长4年、县教研室主任8年。拥有30余年基础教育工作经验。   ●任中学校长期间,输送超万名学生考取大学本科,部分学生考取清华、南大等国内知名学府和美国、英国、加拿大、新西兰、澳大利亚、荷兰、丹麦等国家著名大学深造。


副总校长 小学部校长

【校长介绍】 ●南京师范大学中文系毕业   ●担任中心小学校长、实验小学校长 、民办实验附小校长16年   ●担任县教育局教育科长5年   ●任职期间先后被评为“县十佳教师”、“市优秀教师”、“县十佳校长”   ●江苏省作家协会会员,出版诗集《乡村的叶子》(被《诗刊》评为2007-2008年度最佳诗集)、散文集《心似水晶》。






  • Scott Gillespie

    Scott Gillespie

      Position:BC Teacher   Section:High School   Education Background:BA, McMaster Univeristy | BEd, Lakehead University

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  • Philippa Burn

    Philippa Burn

      Position:BC Teacher   Section:High School   Subject Taught:Canadian Studies, Information Technology, Drama   Education Background:BA, Vancouver Island University | BED, Vancouver Island University   Home Town:Qualicum Beach, British Columbia

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  • Matthew Levesque

    Matthew Levesque

      Position:BC Teacher   Section:High School   Subject Taught:English, PE   Education Background:MEd, University of Western Ontario | BEd, University of Ottawa | BA, Queen's University   Home Town:Ottawa, Ontario

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  • Kaitlyn Weintz

    Kaitlyn Weintz

      Position:BC Teacher   Section:High School   Subject Taught:English, Communications   Education Background:BA, UVic | BEd, SFU   Home Town:Whiterock, BC

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  • Lo, Samantha

    Lo, Samantha

      Position:BC Teacher   Section:High School   Subject Taught:Science, Mathematics   Education Background:BEd, Lakehead University | BSc, University of Toronto   Home Town:Toronto, Ontario

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  • Robert Flowers

    Robert Flowers

      授课科目: Information Technology 毕业院校: University of Southern California   来自国家: USA 教育背景: University of Southern California - Master   个人介绍: • Growing up Mr. Flower participated in a multitude of sports such as football, wrestling, lacrosse, power lifting, and jiu-jitsu. Mr. Flower played football in university and has multiple years experience coaching football and wrestling. Mr. Flower has spent the past 6 years of his life teaching in South Korea. Mr. Flower loves learning new cultures, and picking up new hobbies.This is his first trip to China and he is excited to be placed in such a vibrant community with an excellent staff.

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  • Craig Cown

    Craig Cown

      授课科目: Communications, English, Social Studies, Photography 11 & 12 毕业院校:   University of Toronto   来自国家: Canada 教育背景:   BEd, University of Toronto | HonBA, University of Toronto   个人介绍: • I have lived in Toronto, Canada all of my life. When I was in high school, I went on a student exchange to France, living and going to school there for three months.   • This was an excellent experience and I have since realized the impact it had on my understanding of different cultures and how cultures develop. Living and teaching in China has equally had a great and positive influence on my life.   • I have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the life here and look forward to many more years of living in China.

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  • Allison Weaver

    Allison Weaver

      授课科目: Language Arts and Business 毕业院校: Temple University   来自国家: USA 教育背景: Temple University - Master of Science in Education   个人介绍: • Ms. Weaver holds a Ms. Ed. in Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology in Education with a concentration in TESOL from Temple University and a BS. Ed. in Spanish from Millersville University of Pennsylvania. Moreover, she has experience in the fields of education, business, healthcare and the entertainment and arts industry. As a teacher, Allison has worked in both secondary and higher education, most recently at the University of Pennsylvania. Her model of teaching and classroom culture value and exhibit excellence, cultural-awareness, courage and a strong commitment to students. As someone who has lived in many places around the globe, Ms. Weaver works hard to ensure that her students develop a global mindset in addition to reaching course goals. In her spare time, Ms. Weaver enjoys a variety hobbies including, but not limited to, futsal, extreme sports, trekking, kayaking, exploring gardens, arts and cultural events, writing music and poetry, tea tasting, sailing, reading and creating memories with friends and family.

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  • Sarah Shannon

    Sarah Shannon

      授课科目: English 毕业院校: University of Ottawa   来自国家: Canada 教育背景: BEd, Charles Sturt University | BA, University of Ottawa   个人介绍: • Volleyball coach for the past 5 years at Sino; one of the lead teachers for SRC (Student Representative Council) for last 3 years (Halloween, Christmas Party, Watergun fight, BCOS Fest, Carnival) Department Head of Language Arts for three years.

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  • Tegan Elizabeth Fox

    Tegan Elizabeth Fox

      授课科目: Mathematics, Career Life Education 毕业院校: Oneonta State University   来自国家: USA 教育背景: MEd. Psyc, Marist College. BEd, Oneonta State University   个人介绍: • Ms. Fox is from Troy, New York, USA. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics Adolescent Education from the State University of New York at Oneonta. Recently, she also finished a Master's Degree in Educational Psychology from Marist College. Her hobbies include singing, music, playing volleyball, hiking, watching movies, eating new foods, and doing sudoku puzzles. Fun Fact, Ms. Fox used to bobsled in the Empire State Winter Games and she also knows Russian. She loves to travel and has been to 10 countries so far including Mexico, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Singapore, New Zealand, Fiji, Russia, and Thailand. Traveling has opened her eyes to new cultures, foods, people, and adventures. She is looking forward to a wonderful year at Sino, and is excited to bring more engaging practices into her classroom to benefit her students!

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  • Brian Yin

    Brian Yin

      授课科目: Pre-calc 12, Calculus 12, Statistic 12 毕业院校: University of Buffalo   来自国家: 中国 教育背景: BAcc, MAcc, University of Buffalo. BEd, VIU   个人介绍: • My name is Brian Yin and I was born and raised in Shanghai, China. Currently I teach Pre-calc 12, Calculus 12 and Statistic 12.   • I actually graduated from Sino-Canada 16 years ago and will always consider returning to Sino to teach as one of the best decisions that I have ever made. The teachers and our admin team here are dedicated and caring, which fostered a great learning and working environment for both the students and teachers. Believe it or not, I look forward to go to work on Monday every Sunday.   • During my free time, I enjoy reading, writing, weight lifting, piano and photography.

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  • Crystal Gail Mouland

    Crystal Gail Mouland

      授课科目: Mathematics 毕业院校: Memorial University   来自国家: Canada 教育背景:   BA, Memorial University. BEd, Memorial University   个人介绍: • Crystal Mouland is from Bonavista, Newfoundland Canada. She completed both her B.A and B.Ed at Memorial University, but also attended university at l’Université de Bretagne. Ms. Mouland speaks English and French, and she’s fascinated by all other languages! She considers math a universal language, which is why she loves teaching internationally. Her hobbies include creating music, travelling, playing many different sports and drinking coffee. If you would ever like to know more about her, Ms. Mouland loves to tell stories and she would love to hear your stories too.

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