江西赫威斯高级中学校长 赫威斯教育集团国际学校总校长、宁波赫威斯肯特学校校长、宁波大学硕士生导师,曾任象山中学副校长,象山县教育局局长,宁波市首批教坛新秀、浙江省优秀教师。曾获2017中国国际化学校领军人物、2019VIS较具影响力校长、2020国际化学校创新典范等荣誉称号。 曾荣获宁波市教育系统改革开放以来第一批教坛新秀和宁波市优秀青年教师称号。 近年来,精耕于基础教育阶段的国际合作和交流的理论研究和学校管理实践,”提出“引进、吸收、融合、创新”的国际教育办学理念和“国际教育大教育观”、“普及型国际教育”等具有新意的教育观点,受到各方的热切关注和好评,其理论研究成果分获国家教育部教育科研二等奖和浙江省教育厅科研二等奖。
【显示更多】 【收起详情】The Barstow School Principal 美国巴斯图学校江西分校校长 The Barstow School,Jiangxi Campus 35年国际教育管理经验 35 years as an international education leader 塔斯马尼亚大学 教育学士 Bachelor of Education – University of Tasmania 威斯康星大学 课程硕士 Master of Curriculum – University of Wisconsin 康考迪亚大学 教育管理硕士 Master of Educational Administration – Concordia University 哈佛大学 学校领导证书 School Leadership Certificate*– Harvard University Welcome to The Barstow School of Jiangxi . Barstow’s mission, “to promote sound scholarship and to give symmetrical development to mind, body and character,” has withstood the test of time. This mission includes the guidelines for our teachers to create and nurture a culture that fosters the holistic development of young people. We believe in the value of what we accomplish through our academic offerings and challenging, college prep curriculum, and we take pride in our “promotion of sound mind.” As you read the following pages I hope our philosophy, procedures, policies and methods are clear. I invite those who serve in supporting roles for our students to partner with us as we develop resilient young men and women, strong in character and ready for the challenges of life at The Barstow School of Jiangxi and beyond. We look forward to working with your child and family this year.
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