

学习模式:全日制 留学方向:


  CIK音元荟国际生备考课程中心拥有ELK(English language for kids) 和AEK (Academic English for Kids)学术英语两大英语教学体系。同时,在unisoon音元原有的“思维训练和看图说话”课程基础上,不断加以改进,推出更为适合国际生应试考试的基础课程、备考课程和冲刺课程,帮助孩子们积极备考,为进入国际学校做好充分的准备。

  Study Abroad Planning (CIK International Course Center)

  CIK (Curriculum for International Kids) International Course Center is a course center that Unisoon will focus on developing in the future. It mainly provides one-stop academic development planning for families with plans for studying abroad and domestic bilingual and international school counseling for children who are still studying in China. Based on the situation of the child and family, from a professional point of view, we introduce foreign educational institutions of schools with a high degree of matching and customized programs such as school selection and study abroad.

  CIK International Course Center has two academic English teaching systems: ELK (English language for kids) and AEK (Academic English for Kids).

  ELK has a total of 5 levels. After solidly studying L5, you will have an English language ability of 6.5 scores of IELTS and an 880 score for TOEFL Junior.

  AEK also has 5 levels, each with 8-10 units, and a total of 42 topics are completed.

  With the increasing difficulty of international school admissions examinations, more and more international students have begun to pay attention to Chinese speaking with pictures. CIK International Curriculum Center continues to improve and introduce basic courses, test preparation courses, and sprint courses that are more suitable for international students to take the exam. We help children actively prepare for the exam and make complete preparations for entering a first-class international school.

  CIK International Course Center also has professional course consultants who use professional knowledge to help families who intend to study abroad plan and guide their children's studies and provide targeted customized study abroad programs.

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