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The British International School Shanghai | Academic Excellence

发布日期:2019-07-16 17:24 阅读:7541人

At the British International School Shanghai, Puxi we educate your child to achieve academic success, enabling their entry into the world’s leading universities. 

Boys in class

Our curricula are enhanced by collaborations with preeminent organizations, such as Juilliard and MIT.  Individually tailoring our approach to every child enables them to get ahead in the changing world of the future. 

We recruit the best British teachers who are committed to ensuring excellent academic outcomes in every child.  We support them to do this through a unique programme of professional development, amplified by the sharing of international best practice. Nord Anglia’s global quality assurance framework also ensures exceptional teaching standards

In 2018, 59% of all grades achieved at IGCSE level were A*/A level and one third of IB students gaining 40+ points giving our students access to top 100 Universities globally.

Our IB Academy

Our outstanding academic results stem from a rigorous approach to education throughout the whole school.   However, it is in our IB Academy where we accelerate the learning of our students so they achieve the optimum grades at IB.

Within our IB academy, our students have more one to one time with specialist teachers supporting their academic & personal growth.   We deliver extensive support not just in their chosen subjects but also in Extended Essay, Theory of Knowledge and Creativity, Action & Service (CAS) – all essential elements in attaining top marks in IB.

Our students score consistently well above the UK average at IB level.  In 2018, the academies average IB score of 36 was a full six points above the UK national average. One exceptional student, Chelsea Ngan attained a perfect score of 45 out of 45 excelling in all areas of the IB diploma programme.

You want the best for your child.  So do we.

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