远播国际教育 专注国际教育18年,累计服务520万+家庭与用户


发布日期:2022-06-21 15:06阅读:2086人





  Tuition fees for students who enroll after the start of the school year will be billed on a pro-rated basis, based on a per-month fee. 在学年中入学的学生,其学费将以月为单位按比例收取,不足一个月按一个月计算。

  Tuition fees are inclusive and cover: Specialized Language support for both Chinese and English, all learning materials, a school bag, PE uniforms, as well as seasonal educational field trips (from Early Childhood 3 to Middle School). Tuition fees for Grades 5 - 8 will also include an overnight field trip. 学费涵盖:中文及英文课内辅导、全部学习资料、一个书包、两身运动服,以及季节性教学相关的校外活动费用(自6岁到中学部均有相关活动)。5-8年级学费还包括需要外宿的活动费用。

  Additional support, which is deemed by the Academic Team to be in excess of our teachers’ range of support and resources, such as intensive English language instruction (IEP) and Learning Support (LS), is not included in the above tuition fees. An additional fee will be assessed based on the student’s individual needs to access the curriculum.以上所提及的学费不包括被教学团队认定为正常课程以外的辅导和资源,如英文基础强化课程(IEP)、特殊学习辅导课程(LS)等。这些额外课程的费用会根据学生的具体需求而定。

  A refundable ¥20,000 Placement Deposit payment is required when a child enrolls at MSB. Please see below for refund terms and conditions. 每位被MSB录取的学生需缴纳20,000元人民币的学位保 证金,该保 证金可退还。请参照以下的退费条款。

  Families opting to pay by installments must complete and sign an Application for Payment by Installments form by May 22 2020. 申请分期付款的家庭须在2020年5月22日前填写并签署分期付款申请。


  A non-refundable and non-transferable application fee of ¥3,000 must accompany each application. An application will not be considered until the application fee is received.


  New Students 新入学学生

  For new students, the school must receive the completed electronic enrollment contract within 10 working days of the official offer of admissions together with the school fees. 新入学的学生,应当在收到录取通知书的10个工作日内完成电子入学协议并支付学校费用。

  Returning Students 续读学生

  Parents whose children are re-enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year, must complete the electronic re-enrollment contract by 17 April 2022 to confirm the student’s place.

  MSB cannot guarantee a space after this date, as the school will start offering available places to new students on the waitlist.

  Returning students who have confirmed their re-enrollment, but who subsequently need to withdraw from MSB must inform the school in writing by 17 April 2022.

  对于MSB的在校生,电子续读协议须在2022年4月17日之前完成,以保 障学生在2021-2022学年的学位。

  在此日期之后MSB无法保 障未签署续读协议学生的学位,因为MSB将开始为等位名单上的学生安排学位。


  Withdrawing Students 退学学生

  Parents whose children will not be re-enrolling for the next academic year must complete the electronic re-enrollment form by 17 April 2022 and indicate that their child will not be returning.



  Additional support programs such as the Accelerated English Program (AEP) and Learning Support (LS) are not included in the annual tuition fees. Enrolment in MSB's additional support programs is based on the student's assessments and is mandatory for the student to successfully meet the demands of the curriculum.

  MSB reserves the right to withdraw a student if parents refuse the recommended additional support.


  如学生家长拒绝学生参加这些额外的辅导课程,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。

  1. Intensive English Program (IEP) 英语基础强化课程(IEP)

  Elementary students who are assessed and found to have little or no English language skills may require daily support in order to build the language skills they need to function in their classroom and communicate with their peers. These students will be required to enroll into the Intensive English Program (IEP).

  An additional fee will be assessed based on the student’s individual needs to access the curriculum.

  MSB reserves the right to withdraw a student if parents refuse the recommended additional support.

  没有英语基础或基础薄弱的小学学生,将需要每天进行英语辅导以使他们能够完成课堂学习并与同学交流。我们要求上述学生参加AEP 课程。


  如学生家长拒绝学生参加额外的辅导课程,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。

  2. Learning Support (LS) 特殊学习辅导(LS)

  In the event that the school deems a child in need of additional assistance, MSB will work with the parents to provide the best care and support for their child. Additional needs include, but are not limited to: regular learning support, speech therapy, psycho-educational evaluation, a full-time shadow, etc.

  During the admission process, students with learning difficulties are evaluated on an individual basis to determine if the school can provide for their needs. MSB requires applicants with previously identified learning needs to provide past school records, full evaluations and complete and accurate information of all multi-disciplinary services in use.

  For those students who are admitted with learning support needs, a fee will be levied to cover all additional manpower costs. Should the parents of a child in need of any additional assistance refuse to agree to MSB’s plan for support, the school reserves the right to withdraw the child from school.

  如果学校认为某个孩子需要额外的特殊学习辅导,MSB 将会和家长一起为孩子提供关心和帮助。额外的特殊辅导包括但不限于:定期特殊学习辅导、语言障碍矫正、心理教育评估和全职的辅导老师等。

  在招生过程中,有学习困难的学生会进行单独评估,以便学校确定是否能满足该生要求。MSB 要求已发现学习有困难的报名学生提供过往的学校记录、完整的评估报告以及正在使用的多学科服务的准确信息。

  对于确认需要接受特殊学习辅导的已入读学生,学校将会收取一定的费用以涵盖额外人力成本。如果家长拒绝支付相关费用,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。


  3. Athletics 体育活动

  Students participating in sporting events representing MSB may be required to contribute to transportation and tournament participation fees.


1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》


已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》
为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》



发布日期:2022-06-21 15:06 阅读:2086人





  Tuition fees for students who enroll after the start of the school year will be billed on a pro-rated basis, based on a per-month fee. 在学年中入学的学生,其学费将以月为单位按比例收取,不足一个月按一个月计算。

  Tuition fees are inclusive and cover: Specialized Language support for both Chinese and English, all learning materials, a school bag, PE uniforms, as well as seasonal educational field trips (from Early Childhood 3 to Middle School). Tuition fees for Grades 5 - 8 will also include an overnight field trip. 学费涵盖:中文及英文课内辅导、全部学习资料、一个书包、两身运动服,以及季节性教学相关的校外活动费用(自6岁到中学部均有相关活动)。5-8年级学费还包括需要外宿的活动费用。

  Additional support, which is deemed by the Academic Team to be in excess of our teachers’ range of support and resources, such as intensive English language instruction (IEP) and Learning Support (LS), is not included in the above tuition fees. An additional fee will be assessed based on the student’s individual needs to access the curriculum.以上所提及的学费不包括被教学团队认定为正常课程以外的辅导和资源,如英文基础强化课程(IEP)、特殊学习辅导课程(LS)等。这些额外课程的费用会根据学生的具体需求而定。

  A refundable ¥20,000 Placement Deposit payment is required when a child enrolls at MSB. Please see below for refund terms and conditions. 每位被MSB录取的学生需缴纳20,000元人民币的学位保 证金,该保 证金可退还。请参照以下的退费条款。

  Families opting to pay by installments must complete and sign an Application for Payment by Installments form by May 22 2020. 申请分期付款的家庭须在2020年5月22日前填写并签署分期付款申请。


  A non-refundable and non-transferable application fee of ¥3,000 must accompany each application. An application will not be considered until the application fee is received.


  New Students 新入学学生

  For new students, the school must receive the completed electronic enrollment contract within 10 working days of the official offer of admissions together with the school fees. 新入学的学生,应当在收到录取通知书的10个工作日内完成电子入学协议并支付学校费用。

  Returning Students 续读学生

  Parents whose children are re-enrolling for the 2022-2023 school year, must complete the electronic re-enrollment contract by 17 April 2022 to confirm the student’s place.

  MSB cannot guarantee a space after this date, as the school will start offering available places to new students on the waitlist.

  Returning students who have confirmed their re-enrollment, but who subsequently need to withdraw from MSB must inform the school in writing by 17 April 2022.

  对于MSB的在校生,电子续读协议须在2022年4月17日之前完成,以保 障学生在2021-2022学年的学位。

  在此日期之后MSB无法保 障未签署续读协议学生的学位,因为MSB将开始为等位名单上的学生安排学位。


  Withdrawing Students 退学学生

  Parents whose children will not be re-enrolling for the next academic year must complete the electronic re-enrollment form by 17 April 2022 and indicate that their child will not be returning.



  Additional support programs such as the Accelerated English Program (AEP) and Learning Support (LS) are not included in the annual tuition fees. Enrolment in MSB's additional support programs is based on the student's assessments and is mandatory for the student to successfully meet the demands of the curriculum.

  MSB reserves the right to withdraw a student if parents refuse the recommended additional support.


  如学生家长拒绝学生参加这些额外的辅导课程,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。

  1. Intensive English Program (IEP) 英语基础强化课程(IEP)

  Elementary students who are assessed and found to have little or no English language skills may require daily support in order to build the language skills they need to function in their classroom and communicate with their peers. These students will be required to enroll into the Intensive English Program (IEP).

  An additional fee will be assessed based on the student’s individual needs to access the curriculum.

  MSB reserves the right to withdraw a student if parents refuse the recommended additional support.

  没有英语基础或基础薄弱的小学学生,将需要每天进行英语辅导以使他们能够完成课堂学习并与同学交流。我们要求上述学生参加AEP 课程。


  如学生家长拒绝学生参加额外的辅导课程,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。

  2. Learning Support (LS) 特殊学习辅导(LS)

  In the event that the school deems a child in need of additional assistance, MSB will work with the parents to provide the best care and support for their child. Additional needs include, but are not limited to: regular learning support, speech therapy, psycho-educational evaluation, a full-time shadow, etc.

  During the admission process, students with learning difficulties are evaluated on an individual basis to determine if the school can provide for their needs. MSB requires applicants with previously identified learning needs to provide past school records, full evaluations and complete and accurate information of all multi-disciplinary services in use.

  For those students who are admitted with learning support needs, a fee will be levied to cover all additional manpower costs. Should the parents of a child in need of any additional assistance refuse to agree to MSB’s plan for support, the school reserves the right to withdraw the child from school.

  如果学校认为某个孩子需要额外的特殊学习辅导,MSB 将会和家长一起为孩子提供关心和帮助。额外的特殊辅导包括但不限于:定期特殊学习辅导、语言障碍矫正、心理教育评估和全职的辅导老师等。

  在招生过程中,有学习困难的学生会进行单独评估,以便学校确定是否能满足该生要求。MSB 要求已发现学习有困难的报名学生提供过往的学校记录、完整的评估报告以及正在使用的多学科服务的准确信息。

  对于确认需要接受特殊学习辅导的已入读学生,学校将会收取一定的费用以涵盖额外人力成本。如果家长拒绝支付相关费用,MSB 保留要求该学生退学的权利。


  3. Athletics 体育活动

  Students participating in sporting events representing MSB may be required to contribute to transportation and tournament participation fees.



1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

预约探校 招生报名



已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》
已阅读并同意 《用户隐私政策》
为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,提醒您特别注意,本页面下的学校信息为公开渠道获取并在此展示,并不代表我们与此学校存在任何合作关系。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》