#Dulwich 400 德威400年
Living Plants 植物篇
Active Animals 动物篇
Cultural Heritage 文化遗产篇
Man and Environment 人与环境篇
Science in Action 科学行动篇
Emma Louise Waller
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Teachers & Staff
While exploring one of the many palaces in Seoul I captured people dressed in traditional Korean Hanboks who gain entry to the palace for free due to their dress.壹: 动物篇
Group of elephants
Meng Xu
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Year 11
This photo was taken in an elephant orphanage in Sri Lanka. They were taking shower by their keeper.
贰: 植物篇
Yuki Dai
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Year 11
I took this photo in my hometown after the snow at night.
叁: 人与环境
Jeremy Shen
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Year 12
No time for him to have a break, and no time for us to have a look at his face.
Wash Day
Lara Cherie Scrimgeour
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Teachers & Staff
While visiting the Shwe Indien Pagodas, Lake Inle, Myanmar we could see the local people's connection to their lake environment. There were floating villages with people fishing and standing at the lake edge washing themselves and their clothes and food.
肆: 科学行动
浩哲 丁
Dulwich College Suzhou
Year 12
This photo was taken from the bottom of the glass wine bottle, with the light, it looks like a spatio-temporal tunnel
Peter Garnhum
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Teachers & Staff
The lines under this umbrella at Hase-dera temple in Kamakura, Japan were magnetic.
Shihan Liu
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Year 11
This photo is taken at the hallway of Dulwich International High school Suzhou.
400 Dulwich International High School Students
Andrew Gibson
Dulwich International High School Suzhou
Teachers & Staff
Taken from the roof top of Alleyn House looking down on the Dulwich International High School Suzhou Astro Turf.