


发布日期:2021-01-06 10:18 阅读:2673人

  继“分析资料”之后,小学PYP 课堂顺利地进入了第三阶段的学习——深入探究。在本阶段的学习中,学生以“抽象——具体——抽象——具体”的闭环式学习顺序,首先学习了能量的主要形式和分类,并联系生活实际分享交流主要能量转换的实例,继而了解“能量守恒定律”概念,较后以小组协作方式合作探究分析案例并完成实验。

  Following the "analysis of data", the primary school PYP classes successfully entered the third stage of learning-in-depth exploration. In this stage of learning, students follow the closed-loop learning sequence of "abstract-concrete-abstract-concrete", first learn the main forms and classifications of energy, and share and exchange examples of major energy conversions in connection with life practices, and then Understand the concept of "Energy Conservation Law", and finally cooperate in group cooperation to explore and analyze cases and complete experiments.


  Classroom focuses on group discussion and experimentation, focusing on cultivating students’"information literacy" inquiry skills: students formulate and plan experimental divisions and procedures in the classroom, collect experimental data, record and exchange experimental data, and synthesize and interpret experimental processes and results. Teacher A formative evaluation of the students’ inquiry process is made, creating a classroom atmosphere of “learning by doing and learning by fun”, guiding students to acquire research methods and improve research skills.



  In this round, the transdisciplinary theme explored in the fourth grade is: "How the world works". Students mainly study "energy" with "forms and sources of energy", "energy storage and transformation", and "how to use energy rationally" as inquiring clues.



  Concept-driven, evaluation and communication-the form and source of energy In the process of in-depth exploration, students understand the form and source of mechanical energy, understand the scientific knowledge of mechanical energy, internal energy, electrical energy, electromagnetic energy, nuclear energy, chemical energy, energy conservation law, etc., and drive students to gradually in-depth exploration through concepts , Students exchange observed examples of various energy in life, understand and analyze the main energy types, and provide a basis for further research on energy conversion.



  Collect records, comprehensive interpretation-energy storage and conversion Let students learn by doing. In our school, the classroom uses two large inquiry activities as a framework to study the storage and conversion of energy in depth.


  In the form of heterogeneous groups, students discuss interesting stories closely related to real life, and discover energy conversion from interesting stories. First, students collect and record the energy conversion information hidden in the story; then, the group independently formulates and plans the division of labor among members, conducts data analysis and comprehensive arrangement, communicates and cooperates to complete different types of mind maps such as bubble charts and Y-shaped charts; Finally, through the form of the group’s report results, a systematic interpretation of the energy conversion of chemical energy into mechanical energy, chemical energy into internal energy, electrical energy into light energy, etc.


  From theory to practice, the class combines knowledge and action, and uses the "light up a small bulb" experiment to guide students to continue to study the energy conversion of electrical energy into light energy, thinking and discussing how to connect circuits to make the light bulb light up. Students work in a group to complete the energy conversion practice independently through "analysis-evaluation-formation decision": before the experiment, the students observe and analyze the experimental equipment and plan the experimental steps; in the experimental operation, the students conduct data collection and synchronous recording, in the group Formal evaluations are generated under the guidance of internal discussions and teachers; in the experimental conclusion stage, students continuously adjust experimental strategies to form experimental decisions, complete experimental reports and draw circuit diagrams.


  In the fun and operation activities, children are always active in exploring with interest. From communication and discussion to experiment cooperation, from failure to success, children taste the fun of inquiry learning, and master the inquiry in the hands-on operation. Methods and skills.



  The teacher questioned the need for a switch device through the "light up a small light bulb" experiment, triggering students to think critically about how to use energy rationally. During the discussion, students understand the significance and importance of energy conservation, and take the initiative to take the responsibility of energy conservation and environmental protection in life.


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