


发布日期:2022-11-07 13:50 阅读:2312人

  A research-rich academic

  Senior Leadership Team


  As a Senior Leadership Team we know that education conceived on any scale, from the coherence of a national educational system, to innovation in a school approach, to designing a learning provocation, is at its most powerful when it is underpinned by research and enriched by a spirit of entrepreneurship.


  A research-led school approach means finding a deeper appreciation of educational issues thereby building a school culture willing to challenge myths and fallacies and avoiding just doing what worked before. It involves promoting a development culture founded on analysis and evaluation. And instills a dynamic culture of questioning and inquiry for change and innovation and for meaningful impact.


  The culture described above is actively reflected in the founding academic leadership team of Fettes College Guangzhou. It is proud of its collective credentials in diverse fields of research, steering and quality assurance, and the creative industries, on top of contributions to high performance in schools. The team believes in the importance of modelling values and attributes and is a team of inquirers and lifelong learners.


  Expertise in the Early Years

  and Primary

  出任广州市斐特思学校幼儿园园长的Danielle McKenna女士在儿童早期教育研究领域拥有丰富的经验,她拥有儿童教育心理学专业的硕士学位,长期致力于研究儿童早教的相关原理、实践和方法。Danielle女士还是北爱尔兰教育局的教育顾问。她开发了一系列具有针对性的游戏和阅读计划,支持低龄学生学习除母语以外的其他语言。

  In the field of child development and Early Years, Danielle McKenna has undertaken postgraduate study and research in Educational Psychology for Early Years, and Principles, Practices and Approaches to Learning. And, as well as applying this in school settings, she has been an advisor teacher for the Department of Education in Northern Ireland for whom she developed programmes and reading schemes to support students learning in a languages other than their first.

  Thomas Hughes先生作为广州市斐特思学校小学部校长,同样将自己对于教育的深入洞察和感悟,融入到新的岗位之中。Thomas先生获得了儿童教育专业的硕士学位,如今学无止境的他正在攻读特殊教育需求专业的硕士课程,希望能进一步完善自己的专业知识,提升教学能力。

  Thomas Hughes brings similar depth of understanding to his role as Head of Primary holding an MA specialising in Early Years Education, and he is further developing his expertise by studying for an MA in Special Educational Needs.


  Experience in Governance

  and Quality Assurance

  广州市斐特思学校领导团队的成员在教育管理、学术指导和教学质量方面都颇具实力。出任初中部校长的Stephen Deady先生,作为英国教育部的稽查专员对中东和欧洲的英国学校进行排查和认证。

  Other members of the team bring strength in educational governance, steering and quality assurance. Head of Middle School, Stephen Deady is an Inspector of Schools who has inspected and accredited British schools across the Middle East and Europe on behalf of the Department for Education.

  总校长Marco Longmore先生凭借出色的领导能力激励整个团队:他获得HMC学术政策校长委员会(所有英国私立寄宿学校和走读学校的负责人均是HMC成员)提名,担任苏格兰地区私立学校的代表,曾多年担任爱丁堡私立学校的校长委员会主席。他还在多家专业机构担任主席或受托人。

  Marco Longmore’s extensive experience in school leadership also extends into sector-wide leadership: he was the nominated representative for Scottish independent schools at the HMC Academic Policy Committee (the Heads of all the UK’s top independent boarding and day schools are members of the HMC), and has executed the role of chair and trustee in numerous other professional associations.

  Joel Worrall先生目前是斯特劳德学校校长,将于2020年夏季加入广州市斐特思学校,担任高级副校长一职。他不仅持有教育领导力专业的教育管理学硕士学位,还在高中预科信托机构担任领导委员会主席,这家教育慈善机构,目前正为激发儿童全人发展的核心潜力制定理论框架。

  Joel Worrall, Senior Deputy Head, who is currently the Head of Stroud School and joins the team in the Summer 2020, is Chair of the Heads’ Committee for the Pre-Senior Baccalaureate Trust, an educational charity which has developed a framework for the development of core skills in the development of the whole child. He also holds an MEd in Educational Leadership.


  Subject Specialists

  广州市斐特思学校领导团队不乏学科能力出色的代表。我们人文关怀副校长Simon Bennie先生与浪漫主义文学运动有着千丝万缕的联系。浪漫派诗人威廉·华兹华斯(William Wordsworth)是Simon先生的先祖,而他曾在华兹华斯于英国湖区的故居举办过浪漫主义诗词研讨会。

  Subject specialisms are also represented. Simon Bennie has a unique special affinity with the Romantic movement and has led Romantic Poetry symposiums at the home of his forebear, Romantic poet William Wordsworth, in the Lake District in the United Kingdom.

  高中部校长Jennifer Walters博士对英国语言和形态情有独钟,深入研究了世界文学著作中对于英语文化的描述。她在校期间撰写的哲学硕士论文有关于西印度群岛的文字和绘图,她的博士论文则论述了英国的奇迹般的复兴与文化再生。

  Jennifer Walters’ special interest in Gothic discourse and forms led her to postgraduate research in the Gothic Imagination in world literature and she has prepared an MPhil thesis on the West Indian writing and cartography, and a PhD thesis on Britain’s Magical Revival and Culture of Regeneration.


  Jiarui Li has an exemplary record in university research and in educational research and development. Key features of his extensive experience are his specialisms in Linguistics and Anthropology and resulting MPhil and PhD degrees from the University of Cambridge. His commitment to research-led educational provision has seen him occupy roles as Chief of Research and Development, and Director of Education with leading Educational organizations in China.


  The academic branch of the Founding Senior Leadership team of Fettes College Guangzhou brings a diverse skillset of methodologies and approaches in research and actively employs this unique profile in the design for life and academic learning at Fettes College Guangzhou.


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