






"园区教学常规语言为 80% 的英文和 20% 的汉语,佐以双语文字视觉环境,让孩子从交流、阅读、书写获得全 面成长,从而达到浸润式语言教学的 目的⸺培养早期语感,建立双母语思维方式。我们的外教来自英语母语国 家,并能流利使用第二语言,作为多语言的学 习者,更加懂得语言学习的规律和教学方法。外教全天跟班,为孩子提供浸润式英文语言环境;中文班主任都具备跨 文化工作经验,不仅能够流利使用英文教学,同时能够将国际文化融入课 程设计。因此,凯莱德欢迎母语为中、英文之外的其它语言的孩子加入,并根据不 同孩子的语言发展状况,为孩子制定个性化的语言教学课程,培养孩子多 语言使用能力和思维转换能力。 "



评估标准以全美幼教协会 NAEYC 指导下的科学评估体系为蓝本,引入 哈佛大学附属幼儿园评估体系的 36 个宏观成长目标与 120 个具象目标,并结合中国孩子的发展情况进行本地化,并以此作为课程设置依据,为每 个孩子因材施教。








  凯莱德国际幼儿是一所孩子、家长和教育工作者共同参与的幸福成长社区,秉承“We Grow,We Glad”的 教育理念,以传统中华文化为基石,传递以节气、农耕、礼仪、生活美学为核心的园所文化; 融汇国际先锋幼儿教育理念,同步美国哈佛大学附属幼儿园教学体系,为 0~6 岁儿童提供平衡中西文化、符合客观发展阶段规律、知行合一的人文素养教育。培养会爱、会生活、会学 习的未来世界公民。

  Our mission

  Let children grow up together with the world

  As a happy community nurturing the growth of children, parents and educators, GLAD adheres to the educational concept of "We Grow, We Glad", taking traditional Chinese culture as the cornerstone, passing on the culture of the nursery with solar terms, farming, etiquette and life aesthetics as the core. We integrate the pioneering concept of international preschool education with the teaching system of the kindergarten affiliated to Harvard University in the United States. We offer a humanistic quality education for children between 0 and 6 years old that balances Chinese and western culture, conforms to the law of objective development stage, and combines knowledge with practice. We cultivate future world citizens who love, live and learn.






  Our Philosophy

  Help children find their path to happiness

  The building of an understanding of happiness is vital to a child’s lifelong experience. At GLAD International Nursery, we integrate humanities and scientific knowledge in our teachings. We appreciate each child’s uniqueness by abstaining from assessing and viewing them through one single fixed set of standards. A child’s joy and success stem from the enrichment of character, the qualities of being sincere and respectful, and the ability to interact with peers, teachers, families and the environment in a compassionate way.




  Nurture global citizens rooted in local culture

  Rooted in China, enlightening the world.

  Immersion in the traditional culture that holds the solar terms, farming and cultivation, etiquette, and Eastern aesthetics at its core can help children accept themselves, identify with their culture, and build confidence. These are all important elements of the first step of growth. At the same time, being exposed to the diverse cultures around the world and being able to absorb different values and beliefs can aid children in developing their own way of expressing themselves.






  Centered around children, make growth a process that can be tracked

  Scientific basis is essential to education. We are deeply aware that in order to build an environment that truly understands children, we first need to scientifically analyze each child’s progress and set goals for them at each stage. Our evaluation criteria consist of six areas that involve the concepts of humanistic cognition and physical development. By combining science and logic with critical thinking and the exploration of unknown fields, we serve to connect children with subjects and humanities in our courses. We provide parents regularly with multimedia reports that record children’s progress to ensure that their growth is seen, heard, and felt.





  Real education comes from real life

  The best education comes from first-hand experience and the desire for good. There is nothing that can give children a better chance to experience nature than a real farm. A vivid education about nature requires children to enter the fields and feel the vitality of life present in the soil. Daily farming activities teach children the importance of respecting labor, the time involved in waiting trains their patience, and harvests and meals show them how to cherish and be grateful. The space that the children occupy daily incorporates artistic and aesthetic elements, hence is a great way for them to experience the power of art and beauty. In this space, children’s artworks are exhibited and recorded in a way that preserves their rawness and organic nature and are an embodiment of contemporary art. The space enables children to experience the joy of taking on roles of the artist, the curator, and the operator. Like adults, children also have the freedom to experiment with and enjoy the fun that an artistic lifestyle brings.

  文化平衡、独立思考、大胆表达,这不仅是对孩子的美好希冀,同样也是我们选拔 老师的重要指标。 我们的外籍老师均为来自英语母语国 家的学前教育工作者,持有外专局外籍专家 证。中英双语主班老师均为具备海外国 家学习生活经历的硕士研究生或拥有跨文 化教育工作经验。中文助教老师均为本科以上学历,每班配有两名助教老师,一名 具备音乐、美术等艺术特长,一名保育经验丰富,持保育员资格证或国 家育婴师资 格证。 我们还将聘请各类驻园雕塑家、画家、音乐家、建筑师、作家和儿童心理学家 不定期提供各种工作坊课程,以满足儿童和家长的多样需要。

  At GLAD, we look for teachers who can balance different cultures, think independently and express boldly. All of our foreign teachers are early childhood educators from English-speaking countries with licenses issued by the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs. All of our Chinese form teachers have master degrees and have worked and lived in cross cultural environments. Our Chinese assistant teachers all have either bachelor or master degrees. Each class has two assistant teachers, one skilled in the arts and one specializing in baby care (holder of National Baby Care Teacher Qualification Certificate). We also invite professionals such as sculptors, painters, musicians, architects, authors and child psychologists to lead workshops to meet the needs of our children and parents.


  GLAD’s Teacher Support System

  6-month orientation training – ongoing professional training – research and training abroad – daily teaching summary – observing and commenting on other teachers’ classes – weekly meetings on teaching and lesson plans – IT platform management and tutorial – sharing of teaching resources


  Our Mode of Teaching


  An Immersive Bilingual Environment and a Variety of Language Classes

  园区教学常规语言为 80% 的英文和 20% 的汉语,佐以双语文字视觉环 境,让孩子从交流、阅读、书写获得全 面成长,从而达到浸润式语言教学的 目的⸺培养早期语感,建立双母语思维方式。

  我们的外教来自英语母语国 家,并能流利使用第二语言,作为多语言的学 习者,更加懂得语言学习的规律和教学方法。

  外教全天跟班,为孩子提供浸润式英文语言环境;中文班主任都具备跨 文化工作经验,不仅能够流利使用英文教学,同时能够将国际文化融入课 程设计。

  因此,凯莱德欢迎母语为中、英文之外的其它语言的孩子加入,并根据不 同孩子的语言发展状况,为孩子制定个性化的语言教学课程,培养孩子多 语言使用能力和思维转换能力。

  GLAD works to provide our students with a truly bilingual environment, using a mix of 80% English and 20% Chinese as our language of instruction. By immersing them in this environment, we serve to let our children adopt a bilingual set of consciousness through reading, writing and communicating with others.

  Our foreign teachers come from English-speaking countries and are proficient in a second language. Their personal experience in learning foreign languages helps them understand and better cope with the difficulties children may face when learning English. The foreign teachers are with their classes the entire time to ensure that the children get to be immersed in both languages. The Chinese form teachers have experience working in cross cultural settings and are able to embed international cultures and values in their lessons.


  评估标准以全美幼教协会 NAEYC 指导下的科学评估体系为蓝本,引入 哈佛大学附属幼儿园评估体系的 36 个宏观成长目标与 120 个具象目标, 并结合中国孩子的发展情况进行本地化,并以此作为课程设置依据,为每 个孩子因材施教。

  The Role Assessment Plays in Our Curriculum

  Our assessment standards are a mix of the NAEYC’s assessment system, the kindergarten affiliated to Harvard University’s criteria, and the development patterns of Chinese children. This set of standards serves as the basis for our lessons and ensures that children’s individual needs are met.


  跨学科主题涵盖了自我认知和了解世界两大板块,联系社会与自然,从多 个主题纬度灵活利用各门学科知识,让孩子能够对世界有循序渐进的认 知和理解,帮助孩子探索自我和世界。

  An Interdisciplinary Approach to Learning

  An interdisciplinary approach to learning employs different academic fields to help children understand themselves and the world around them.


  课堂中真实的体验是获得成长的重要方式。我们的老师善用园区的每一 处环境,通过各类日常活动如烹饪、图书馆时间、园艺等,并组织每月一次 的外出活动,让孩子在实践和游戏的过程中收获知识和技能。

  Hands-on Experience

  Having hands-on experience is crucial for children’s growth. Under the guidance of teachers, children are able to learn important skills and values through activities such as baking, reading in the library, gardening, and participating in monthly outings.


  孩子在节气教育中,体验农耕劳作和自然探索,感受传统的生活方式,了 解自然变化背后的人文、历史、艺术与科学。

  The Role Solar Terms Play in Our Curriculum

  The inclusion of solar terms in our education gives children the chance to experience farming and cultivation, explore nature, touch on the traditional way of life, and get to know the artistic and scientific implications behind the changes of nature.


  孩子在识别和管理情绪的过程中,学会掌控情绪的技能,培养对他人的关 怀,增强责任心,建立积极的人际关系,帮助孩子收获自信。

  Shaping Social Behavior

  The process of identifying and managing different emotions helps children learn to control their feelings and develop compassion and positive relationships with others. Most importantly, it plays a key role in building self-confidence.

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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

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