

Outdoor Education--a Great Way to Learn 小学部野外探究收获满满

发布日期:2020-05-19 10:44 阅读:1739人

  ISA School Camp


  Our camps this year we took advantage of China’s wonderful natural landscape to use the outdoors to bring learning to life. Our camp activities were packed full of inspiring adventures on land, water and even climbing up in the air, to bring out the best in our pupils. For many children, part of the learning experience was about being away from home, sometimes for the first time. This gave them time to establish strong personal bonds with their friends and teachers.


  Y3 in Zengcheng

  Last week, Year 3 students went on camp to Zengcheng. There was a lot of excitement as it was the first camping experience without parents for many of the students.

  We set off by bus from ISA campus at 8.45am and arrived at our destination at 10.30 am. First we played some fun games to build teamwork. Then we had a barbeque where we learnt about safety when cooking including how to check when our food is cooked correctly.



  Students then demonstrated their ability to be risk takers and show courage through completing an obstacle course. Some of the students were especially brave and supported their friends through sharing words of encouragement.

  Later that evening we shared a delicious dinner with Y4 and then set up our tents for our big camping adventure. This was followed by a dance party and campfire which all children enjoyed very much.



  The next day we went rice cutting which gave us a deeper understanding of where our food comes from and the hard work that goes into growing it. That afternoon we went canoeing and learnt how to play beach volleyball in a beautiful setting.

  In the evening we shared dinner with Y4 again and then went for a Lantern walk through the forest to get to our lovely hotel accommodation for the evening. The children were extremely pleased to have a nice soft bed after our camping experience the evening before.

  On our third and final day we challenged ourselves by climbing up ladders followed by a picnic lunch cooked by the children. Needless to say, all children were extremely tired on the way back to Guangzhou!




  All the children represented the ISA community very well and the teachers felt lucky to be with such a wonderful group of children.


  Y4 in Zengcheng

  Students and teachers were super excited to arrive at Yi Feng Camp in Zheng Guo Village, Zengcheng on Tuesday.

  We met our friendly Camp Coaches and divided into our camp teams that we would work with for the next four days.

  Over the four days students proved to be incredible risk-takers, pushing themselves physically as they climbed tree ladders, completed an adventure assault course, hiked through the local countryside and worked in pairs to navigate the forest with one blindfolded. Up and down hills and under tree branches they went. Great team work!



  Inquiring minds observed, asked questions and had discussions as we walked along the streets of the small village and hiked through the forest. Discussions about different insects, symmetry in nature, what crops the local farmers were growing and what we could see in the night sky.

  Most meals were shared in the camp restaurant that served only the freshest produce, grown locally in the surrounding fields. Other meals were cooked on a BBQ and in a wok by the students themselves as they worked together to ensure their food was cooked properly and that everyone was fed.



  Students again displayed fantastic collaboration skills as they worked together to build their amazing ISA Y4 hut in the forest. They showed themselves to be excellent thinkers as they considered ideas, solved problems and made decisions to complete the task at hand. The students partnered to lug the wood from one place to another, hammer nails and dig holes. They took immense pleasure in seeing their creation progress throughout the day. A nice introduction to their unit of inquiry on Architecture that they will be starting at school this week.


  Many students said that their favourite part of the camp was the horse riding where they rode the horses, guided by camp coaches, around the enclosure. Some students even sped up a little and had a go at trotting. Feeding the horses afterwards was another fun, new experience.


  Although the days were busy, we made sure there was plenty of down time to reenergise. Whether it was sitting on a log in the forest to rest for a while, swinging on the much-loved tree swing, relaxing in their hotel room or just chatting with friends at night before they went to sleep.

  Spending our last night camping in tents was a hit. Students showed great independence pitching their tents and packing them up the next morning. They even helped with all the adult tents!



  Other activities enjoyed were making lanterns and taking them for a walk in the cool night air, watching their colours flashing in the dark. Archery was a favourite, testing students’ hand eye coordination as they aimed for the bullseye. The Indian party where we joined the Y3’s in dancing and singing around the campfire was a lot of fun and finally, students attaching their wish to a balloon and letting it float away into the sky was a nice way to end our camp.

  The Year 4 students of ISA really did our school proud by being phenomenal PYP learners. They showed amazing attitudes, were great risk-takers and gave everything a go even if it was challenging and out of their comfort zone. Well done Year 4!




  Y5 in Yangshuo

  This year’s camp was a unique opportunity for our Grade 5 students to experience a sense of adventure, independence and camaraderie as they embarked upon a four-day expedition into the beautiful mountainous region of Yangshuo. While some of the challenges that they would face were somewhat nerve-wracking, they were also excited at the prospect of trying new outdoor activities and spending quality time with their classmates as they challenged themselves to be open-minded risk-takers.

  With such an amazing team of guides to lead us on this adventure, we were in safe hands as we set off for our first evening of activities. Juan, Anchor and Fabian had everything sorted so that our accommodation and evening game of charades was an opportunity for us to relax after a long train and bus journey and to enjoy each other’s company as we shared many laughs while putting our acting ability to the test!



  Day two had many surprises in store. We were first treated to a lesson in fan making and fan painting by a master artist before attempting our own amazing designs that we would be able to take home with us as the ultimate souvenir. We also had an exciting shopping expedition to the local markets to purchase ingredients for our BBQ dinner, the ultimate catapult building contest (which included hurling water bombs at our classmates) and off course the opportunity to set up our own tents as we camped by the river in the shadow of the Yangshuo mountains.


  After an early start, we were ready for new challenges on day three, including a picturesque canoeing trip down the Li River and an Indiana Jones caving expedition that took us deep into the heart of the mountain to admire the stalactites and stalagmites that had formed over thousands of years within the limestone caves.

  Our last evening in Yangshuo was unforgettable as we took to the streets in fancy dress, enjoyed a delicious dinner and learned a little about the history of the area while we walked through the main downtown area.



  By the morning of day four, we were exhausted but excited for the final challenge. We packed our things and headed for Swiss Cheese Mountain where we would put our strength and courage to the test as we strapped ourselves into our harnesses ready to climb to the very top! When we had finally stopped shaking from the adrenaline and recovered our strength after a hearty lunch, it was time to say good-bye to our wonderful guides, now friends, and to head home to our families who were patiently awaiting our arrival. What an adventure we had and what wonderful memories and new friendships we have made to carry us through until the next time!

  第四天学生虽然筋疲力尽但仍对较后的挑战感到十分兴奋。我们收拾行李前往Swiss Cheese Mountain,在安全装备的保护下攀至较高峰,极大地考验了学生的力量和勇气!令人肾上腺素狂飙的攀登结束后大家享用了丰盛的午餐,短暂的休息过后大家和亲爱的向导以及新朋友告别,在父母的挂念中踏上回家的路程。即使露营已经结束,那些美好的回忆以及在旅途中建立的友谊将永远留在大家心中。

  With each challenge they faced, our pupils experienced success, grew in confidence and became more engaged. By the end of their stay, they could see the positive changes for themselves. Well done to all our happy campers!



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