

ISA Winter Festival Fun! 爱莎广州塔冬季庆典欢乐落幕!

发布日期:2020-05-19 11:24 阅读:2079人

  On Thursday, Dec. 12th 2019 Winter Festival of ISA International School of Guangzhou was held successfully at the Canton Tower. Thanks to the support from a many different international group in Guangzhou, the raffle ticket was a “hot sale” and all the income went to ISA Charity. Italian Booth donated to the ISA Charity Fund to help building a better society.


  This year, ISA adhered to the tradition of blending multi cultures and brought an international carnival to everyone, attracting more than 2000 students, parents and teachers from ISA community, chamber members, consulate officers and visitors gathered together at the Canton Tower and had a lot of fun visiting booths as well as watching shows given by ISA community members. The event was warmly responded and highly recognized for the unique multi-cultural atmosphere and global value represented.


  Met at the Canton Tower


  A welcome speech was delivered by Mr. Michael Urquhart, the Head of ISA Tianhe School to thank all the support over these 5 years and invite more families to join the ISA community. Located in Zhujiang New Town, ISA Tianhe School would make fully use of the advantage and keep providing excellent international education. In addition, ISA Charity Fund was introduced by Mr. Michael. It was founded by ISA since 2017 and the fund made contributions by participating projects such as Children’s Hope – ISA Medical Support Home, Canteen for the Elders and engaging students on community activities, such as searching funding opportunities and organizing charity sales on the 2018 Early Years Sports Day.

  活动正式开始前,来自爱莎天河校区的Michael Urquhart先生上台向各位来宾致以了诚挚的问候。爱莎天河校区已步入第五周年,感谢各位学生及家长的一路陪伴,新的一年爱莎天河校区将充分发挥珠江新城的地理优越性并不断整合社区资源,持续提供的国际教育服务。同时,Michael先生为大家介绍了一直活跃在慈善领域的爱莎公益基金。爱莎自创校以来,积极承担社会责任,成立了公益基金,通过资助儿童希望爱莎助医小家、广州长者饭堂爱心餐等项目并鼓励学生积极参与社区活动,如为资助对象寻找资金支持以及在幼儿园运动会上组织抽奖券义卖等,为慈善事业做出了巨大贡献。

  The theme for the Winter Festival was “Our Earth”, which reflected an environmental focus. ISA students have been using the IB inquiry-based learning to research into the fundamental Geographical features of the Earth, environment protection , how we should co-exist with other creatures and maintain a balance and finally take responsibility as global citizens. Students also took an active part in the charity sales. With the help of teachers, they made Earth-shaped cookies, succulent pots, and theme-based mugs. Visitors were really interested in these works and willing to buy one for themselves.


  All ISA students devoted to the show. Songs sung by Early Years such as “It's a small world after all”and “We are the world” were full of love and audience were deeply touched; “Edelweis”, “The Apple Tree” and “Summer Goodbye” by Primary Years presented a beautiful picture of mother nature and reminded us to cherish it; Middle Years expressed their reflection on the topic of humanity and nature with songs and dances such as “What a wonderful World” and “Artificial Grass”.

  当晚表演环节,全体爱莎学生全情投入,幼儿园学生用稚嫩的嗓音唱出 “It's a small world after all”、 “We are the world”等动人歌曲,词词句句都充满着爱,像阳光一样温暖着所有听众;来自小学学生的《雪绒花》、“The Apple Tree”以及“Summer Goodbye”等则为大家描绘大自然之美,感恩地球的馈赠;较后,爱莎中学部的学生更是通过“What a wonderful World”及“Artificial Grass”等歌舞表演表达了对人与自然关系的思考。

  One of the features of ISA is language fluency, which was well reflected on the stage. The evening was hosted by students in English and 8 mother tongue languages which were Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Korean, Japanese and Hebrew, enabling audience from all over the world to join the event. Students from France, Spain, Japan, Korea and Italy brought us mother tongue songs such as “Good people save the earth” and “Buon Viaggio”. Songs differed but they all called for protecting our Earth, which indicated that although people were from different countries, we all cared for our Earth.

  作为爱莎特色之一,多国语言及文化交融的和谐景象在冬季庆典的舞台上也得到了淋漓尽致的展现。整场晚会的主持由爱莎学生担任,他们熟练运用英文、中文及俄罗斯语、西班牙语、意大利语、韩语、日语、希伯来语8国母语进行主持播报,为不同面孔、语言各异的各国观众搭建了一条沟通的桥梁,共享爱莎小小地球村。在舞台上,来自法国、西班牙、日本、韩国及意大利等国的学生用母语为我们演唱了“Good people save the earth”及“Buon Viaggio”等众多歌曲,虽然语言不同,旋律各异,但巧妙的是这些与环保紧密相连的歌曲都是学生从小便耳熟能详,让听众深切感受到同一个地球,我们都有着同一颗环保的心。

  The stage show on Dec. 12th was accompanied by a variety of instruments. Melody of melodica brought us a pleasant “Sakura Sakura”; Voice of nature can be heard from the drums of African Djebme; exciting Chinese drums could be heard as well. Even parents joined the show as a band. Besides, students dressed in ethnic clothes and danced with music, showing a diverse ethnic outlook.

  相比以往,此次舞台表演融入了多种乐器,不仅有口风琴传来“Sakura Sakura”的美妙旋律,非洲鼓传来的大自然的声音,更有震撼的中国鼓及中外家长合作进行的乐队表演,真可谓是“西学汉韵,合璧爱莎”。各式民族服饰元素的加入也使现场充满了浓浓的民族风情,展现了多元化的民族风貌。

  All kinds of booths were available on the Winter Festival. The most eye-catching were the ISA Charity Fund Booth and Middle Year Booth with works made by all students and teachers. By these works, ISA contrived to extend the environmental concept to the entire Guangzhou community. Parents have been playing a significant role in the school communication and children’s growth and there was the PSG Booth providing detailed information about PSG for visitors and some great food prepared by our own parents. What’s more, members of PSG designed eco-friendly tote for sale and all the income was donated to the ISA Charity Fund. In addition, there were delicious Japanese/Korean/Italian/Chinese foods offered, basketball/golf/tennis games, challenge of garbage classification and opportunity of song recording.


  During the Winter Festival, Mr. David Edwards, Head of ISA Science City School previewed a new image of ISA for the coming years. Detailes of construction, marketing, programs and admissions were officially introduced to the public for the first time. ISA Science City will open in September 2020 with a total construction area of 78,000 square metres and a total investment of more than USD 100 million. ISA Science City will receive students aged from 2-18, offering boarding house for 500 students. The construction is nearly completed and the first-class facilities for implementing curricular and cocurricular programmes will be available as scheduled. By then, there will be two ISA schools providing excellent education for students, their families and teachers in the Greater Bay Area and southern China.

  在此次冬季庆典上,爱莎科学城校区校长的David Edwards先生首次向来宾揭晓爱莎在新的一年即将使用的新形象,并介绍了科学城校区的较新进展。2020年9月,斥资1.2亿美金、自有土地物业、总建筑面积达7.8万平方米的广州爱莎外籍人员子女学校科学城校区将正式开学,为2-18岁的学生提供国际教育服务并提供可容纳500人的学生宿舍。目前新校区的建设已接近尾声,一所拥有世界、国内的文化教学设施、体育艺术设施的爱莎学校将如期完工。届时,爱莎国际教育集团下的天河校区及科学城校区将合力为广州的外籍群体提供的国际教育,打造华南地区、粤港澳大湾区国际教育名片,全面提升大湾区的教育水平。

  In the future, the Tianhe and Science City School will adhere to the educational concept of ISA International Education Group and be committed to providing students, parents and teachers from different countries with the opportunity for all community members to learn and live in an environment where cultures and histories of different countries meet. ISAIEG aims to build a world class learning community dedicated to the cultural exchange between China and the West to express the ISA approach of “holistic growth, lifelong learning, and to cultivate world citizens with global competitiveness” involving families around the world.


  What a wonderful afternoon and evening with our distinguished guests and all the attendees. Thank you for all your support! ISA is looking forward to seeing you next year!



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