

Announcement of Secondary Principal 中学部校长任命

发布日期:2020-05-15 10:37 阅读:2122人

  ISA Science City International School is delighted to announce the appointment of Cathy Hitchin as our Founding Secondary Principal.

  我们很荣幸地向大家宣布爱莎科学城学校任命Cathy Hitchin女士为学校中学部校长。

  Cathy Hitchin

  Secondary Principal 中学部校长

  Cathy has been involved with international schools and the International Baccalaureate for twenty years, working with students, teachers and parents on five continents. Her fascination for the International Baccalaureate’s programmes began in Chile in 1999 where she first began teaching the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes. Since that time, she has acquired many years of experience managing both the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes in schools around the world in her capacity as Diploma Programme Coordinator, Head of Secondary schools, and most recently as Headteacher in an IB school located in the Andes.

  过去20年中,Cathy一直在潜心于国际学校和国际项目,与世界五大洲多个国际学校的学生、教师和家长都结下了深深的情谊。1999年,她在智利开始教授国际中学和大学预科项目(IB MYP & IB DP),并深深地投入到这份事业中;在随后的多年中,她逐渐晋升成为项目课程协调员以及中学校长,并因此积累了丰富的国际的教育经验。在任职爱莎科学城学校中学部校长之前,她在一所位于安第斯山脉地区的IB学校担任校长。

  In these roles, Cathy has overseen all facets of the IB accreditation and re-accreditation process in the Middle Years and Diploma Programmes. In doing so, under Cathy’s leadership, she has ensured that the IB’s emphasis on holistic, academically-balanced, service education has been deeply embedded into each of her schools.

  多年来担任不同角色的经历,让Cathy在国际中学项目和大学预科项目(IB MYP & IB DP)认证与再认证方面有着深刻的了解。因而,Cathy有足够能力让校园整体、学术平衡和教育服务都深深根植于IB理念。

  Cathy brings to ISA Science City significant educational leadership experience, having encountered international education in South America, West Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East. She understands both the challenges and the rewards of multi-lingual education for students in today’s global society, and brings with her a wealth of experience in curriculum development for multi-lingual students.





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