

Enrolment Plan 2020-2021 招生简章 | 广州外国语爱莎文华IB国际课程

发布日期:2020-06-12 15:13 阅读:2469人

  ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB Programme Enrolment Plan for 2020-2021 Acedemic Year

  广州外国语爱莎文华IB国际课程2020-2021 学年招生简章


  1. The Pre DP Course is targeting including Junior high school graduates.

  Pre DP阶段含初中毕业生

  2. DP Course will also start in September 2021


  Admissions Process 招生流程

  Parents complete all application forms and submit all documents


  The Admissions Office reviews all paperwork


  Student interview and assessments,parents interview


  The Admissions Office provides acceptance letter and invoice for school fees


  Payment is made to the school before the student commences classes


  Entrance Requirements 入学考试

  Written Test 线上笔试

  The written test is divided into a Chinese test, an English writing test and an English ability test. The English ability test is a suite of tests that assesses a student's reasoning (thinking) abilities in key areas that support educational development and academic attainment,informing parents and teachers of individual's underlying abilities.


  Interview 线下面试

  You will have the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with the GZFLS and ISA's senior educators who are former Principals of well-known schools.


  Contact 联系方式

  Scan the QR code to add admission teachers,and note "Grade + Name ", such as "Grade 9 Li Ming "


  Programme Background 课程项目背景

  On April 2020, ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG) and Guangzhou Foreign Language School co-established the first International IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) Curriculum Programme --- ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB Programme.

  2020年4月,爱莎国际教育集团与广州外国语学校强强联合,共同开展广州公办的国际大学预科课程(IB-DP)—— 广州外国语爱莎文华IB国际课程的合作。

  Guangzhou Foreign Language School (GZFLS) is one of the first foreign language schools established in China, and the only public school authorized to offer the IB Diploma Programme in Guangzhou. The Guangzhou Foreign Language School has been awarded the ‘Guangzhou Platform for International Exchange and Cooperation in Basic Education’ by the Education Bureau. Cooperative programmes also exist with the Pasch Project School of the Institute in Germany, and the U-pass Project School of the American University.

  广州外国语学校,作为新中国首批建设的外国语学校之一, 是广州市公办IB授权学校。学校先后获评为市基础教育国际交流与合作广州平台,德国学院Pasch项目学校,美国大学(U-pass)项目学校。

  ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG), committed to becoming a leading international education group in Greater Bay Area and even the world, aspires to become one of the leading groups providing international education opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. ISAIEG is a leading practitioner of an integrated Chinese and Western Education system in the Greater Bay Area. The world-class leadership team of ISAIEG will provide strong support to this programme.



  ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB Programme Enrolment Plan for 2020-2021 Acedemic Year

  广州外国语爱莎文华IB国际课程2020-2021 学年招生简章


  1. The Pre DP Course is targeting including Junior high school graduates.

  Pre DP阶段含初中毕业生

  2. DP Course will also start in September 2021


  Admissions Process 招生流程

  Parents complete all application forms and submit all documents


  The Admissions Office reviews all paperwork


  Student interview and assessments,parents interview


  The Admissions Office provides acceptance letter and invoice for school fees


  Payment is made to the school before the student commences classes


  Entrance Requirements 入学考试

  Written Test 线上笔试

  The written test is divided into a Chinese test, an English writing test and an English ability test. The English ability test is a suite of tests that assesses a student's reasoning (thinking) abilities in key areas that support educational development and academic attainment,informing parents and teachers of individual's underlying abilities.


  Interview 线下面试

  You will have the opportunity to have face-to-face communication with the GZFLS and ISA's senior educators who are former Principals of well-known schools.



  Programme Background 课程项目背景

  On April 2020, ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG) and Guangzhou Foreign Language School co-established the first International IBDP (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) Curriculum Programme --- ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB Programme.

  2020年4月,爱莎国际教育集团与广州外国语学校强强联合,共同开展广州公办的国际大学预科课程(IB-DP)—— 广州外国语爱莎文华IB国际课程的合作。

  Guangzhou Foreign Language School (GZFLS) is one of the first foreign language schools established in China, and the only public school authorized to offer the IB Diploma Programme in Guangzhou. The Guangzhou Foreign Language School has been awarded the ‘Guangzhou Platform for International Exchange and Cooperation in Basic Education’ by the Education Bureau. Cooperative programmes also exist with the Pasch Project School of the Institute in Germany, and the U-pass Project School of the American University.

  广州外国语学校,作为新中国首批建设的外国语学校之一, 是广州市公办IB授权学校。学校先后获评为市基础教育国际交流与合作广州平台,德国学院Pasch项目学校,美国大学(U-pass)项目学校。

  ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG), committed to becoming a leading international education group in Greater Bay Area and even the world, aspires to become one of the leading groups providing international education opportunities in the Greater Bay Area. ISAIEG is a leading practitioner of an integrated Chinese and Western Education system in the Greater Bay Area. The world-class leadership team of ISAIEG will provide strong support to this programme.



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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

预约探校 招生报名



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