

普林斯顿云海谷国际学校教师专业发展日| PICLC完美团队养成记!

发布日期:2019-08-09 14:05 阅读:1833人


  Cohesion is strength, unity is hope!

  Kindergarten teachers’ team building was focused on the development of cultural quality in order to enhance the team cohesion, strengthen the team cooperation consciousness, strengthen the communication between teachers, and break the barriers to establish mutual trust. Teachers’ professional development in PICLC took place on April 19, with all the teachers participating. It consisted of many team building activities.



  As the unique team building activities began, we had an activity of one team working together. A need to trust each other is the key to good cooperation. We had to figure out to how many people can work together to calculate the correct number? This did not only test the teachers' reflection ability, but also showed which team was more appealing. I believe that the hug between each other is quietly pulling away the strangeness and the distance between us. Teachers were enthusiastic to participate in activities.


  在学习中交流、在交流中成长。通过Ms. Tina和Ms. Rita外出学习的分享,我们一起参与了“如何更好地开展区域活动”的讨论。在活动中,老师们就孩子们如何在区域活动中形成很好的常规,如何介入孩子的区域游戏;如何设置丰富的区域环境等问题展开了研讨。区域活动作为孩子较喜欢的一种活动形式,为幼儿的自主学习打开了一扇启智的大门。Ms. Coral针对大班孩子在即将进入小学时,如何更快地适应小学生活,和大家分享了自己的经验和想法。相信我们的老师们将会以此次培训为契机,不断提升自己的专业能力,将新知识、新理念运用到实际教学中,提高教育教学水平。

  Thanks to the experience Tina and Rita got while visiting another kindergarten, we could participate in the discussion on how to better arrange our centers. In the activity, we discussed how children formed good routines in centers and how teachers intervened in their games. In these situations, they can learn independently and their minds will be open to grasp more abstract concepts. Ms Coral shared her view points on how to study fast in elementary school. All teachers had a chance to share their experiences and ideas we believe that our teachers can see the training as an opportunity to constantly improve their professional ability and to apply the new idea in actual teaching, improve the level of education.



  Princeton in the future will continue to carry out various forms of team building activities in order to let the teachers work together to further improve themselves in the activities. Additionally, they can enhance team cohesion, and help teachers become more knowledgeable in this school.


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