依托校园内遍布的可靠的无线和有线网络,TWIS充分利用云技术、物联网技术、数字资源技术,将学校所有的信息管理和教学系统整合为一个整体,向教职员工和学生提供两个关键的价值主张:实现21世纪教学,提升教学效率。 学校在1,000,000平方米的校园内设计和建造包括体育健身房、科技实验室、艺术和音乐工作室、表演厅、学生和员工图书馆、健康诊所等在内的现代化基础设施,为孩子们提供安全、健康、有趣的学习环境。 每栋建筑都拥有视觉、听觉和温度适宜的空间,并具有出色的室内空气质量。
团队来自全球超过10多个国 家,而其中多数获得硕士学位,学生可以接触到多元文化的环境,并且国际团队的每位老师都经过学校的严格筛选、层层选拔。
东华文泽学校是的东华教育集团(TWEG)的一部分。 东华教育集团成立于2001年,以孩子们的学术成就和多面发展为目标。目前在东莞有四所学校和两个校区,为3至18岁的孩子们提供以中国核心课程为基础的课程; 以及为国际分部的一群高中生提供国际化课程。
Tungwah Wenzel International School is part of the prestigious Tung Wah Education Group (TWEG). Founded in 2001 on a vision of academic excellence and the development of the whole child, TWEG currently consists of four schools and two campuses in Dongguan. Its schools programs based on the Chinese core curriculum to students aged 3 to 18; and the A-Level curriculum to a group of senior high school students in the international division. With a total student population of 45.000 students, and 2.100 staff members, TWEG today is a highly reputable organization with numerous awards to its name, a long line of high-achieving alumni, and dedicated professionals.
Opening in September 2019. TWIS will provide a K-12 co-educational teaching and learning environment that encourages curiosity, creativity and critical thinking, and celebrates diversity and international-mindedness with a total student capacity of 3.000.
Fully committed to delivering a concept-driven, inquiry-based curriculum aligned with the IB philosophy and pedagogy, TWIS intends to integrate traditional Chinese values with international frameworks, standards and instructional approaches suited for students aged 3-18.
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