The first Campus Tour was successfully held at Tungwah Wenzel International School (TWIS) last Saturday (August 24).
If you missed the event, don’t worry! Please check out the photo gallery below!
Despite high temperatures, there were 200 parents and students came to visit our school under the scorching sun.
总校长Arturo Ruelas致欢迎辞
Welcome speech from the Head of Schools, Mr. Arturo Ruelas
校长Ann Gaillard在介绍课程和老师团队
Principal Ann Gaillard introduces the curriculum and TWIS academic team
Campus Tour
The campus is so large that, even though we only included several teaching buildings and one dormitory in the campus tour, it took nearly an hour to complete!
2宿舍大楼 Building No. 2 Dormitory
The dormitory room and cafeteria for students
3小学教学楼 Building No. 3 Primary School Building
4综合楼 Building No. 4 Multiplex Building
We really appreciate all the families and students who attended the campus visit. Let’s look forward to starting a new campus life at TWIS next week!