大家是否留意到我们的男老师在过去的一个月里留着小胡子呢?他们都扔掉剃须刀来支持Movember这项促进男性健康的全球运动,一起留着满脸大胡子、山羊胡子和胡须。 据Movember基金会称,自2003年以来,全球已有超过500万名支持者加入了这项运动,以提高人们对男性健康的认识并筹集基金。
Have you noticed our male teachers growing a moustache over the last month? They ditch their razors to support Movember – a global movement for men’s health, boasting some impressive moustaches, goatees and beards. According to Movember Foundation, over 5 million supporters have joined the campaign globally since 2003 to raise awareness and funds for men’s health.
It’s a MOWember to remember! Watch our amazing music video of TWIS Mo Bros lip-sync and dance to a parody of "September".
MOWember assembly
At the MOWember assembly held on November 29th, we took the celebration to the next level. Surprising performances of TWIS Mo Bros and Mo Sistas stunned every student and parent in the auditorium!
The Mo Bros Band
The Mo Bros band rocks! Performed by Mr. Barry, Mr. Kurt, Mr. Oliver and Mr. Simon, the gig was simply amazing, and they did a fabulous job!
The Mo Sistas Dance
在班主任Leslie老师的带领下,TWIS Mo姐妹带我们回到了80年代,并带上小胡子跳出摇摆节奏的歌曲“September”。大家都享受着这怀旧的气氛中,在礼堂里一起跳舞!
MOWember is not for men only. TWIS women go all out to support this month-long men’s health awareness campaign.
Led by homeroom teacher Ms. Leslie, TWIS Mo Sistas brought us back to the ‘80s, and performed a groovy and funky song “September” with moustaches. Everyone enjoyed the nostalgic vibes and danced in the auditorium!
Certificate Distribution
为了表彰Mo兄弟遵守,积极参与TWIS Mowember 2019年关注健康活动,每个Mo兄弟都获得了校长Ann Gaillard女士颁发的。
To recognize Mo Bros’ commitment to growing their facial hair and participation in TWIS Mowember 2019 Awareness Campaign, every Mo Bro was awarded a certificate by Principal Ann Gaillard.
“男士们,你们积极参与2019 Mowember关注男士健康活动,充分体现了IB学习者特质之一 -懂得关爱,行为值得认可。”
“Gentlemen, you are all being recognized today for demonstrating the IB Learner Profile attribute of being CARING for your active participation in the MOWember 2019 Awareness Campaign.”
Mowember庆祝活动除了为大家带来许多乐趣外,这活动旨在促进人们就如何关心男士身心健康进行对话。从我们身边的男士们开始,给他们亲切的问候 “你好吗?你较近做了身体检查了吗?”
Besides all the fun, Mowember is a campaign to foster conversations on taking care of men’s physical and mental health. Let’s start caring about gentlemen around us by asking “How are you doing? Have you had your health checkup done yet?”