★学校介绍 General Introduction★
CBIS is located at the boundary between Guangzhou and Foshan, in the Citic Lake Community which is honoured as the top residential community in Asia covering an ecologically natural area of 1,203 acres. With a professional team of Chinese and foreign educators, the school offer a high-quality IB and Chinese Integration Curriculum with a high-level assessment system which makes it a truly international school carrying forward the strongest Chinese heritage.
2020-2021 招生范畴及计划
CBIS 2020-2021 Admissions
CBIS Bilingual International School is now welcoming applications for Chinese and international families.
Admission plan
▲ 小学:一年级2个班,二至六年级招收插班生,每班24个学生;
▲ Primary: 2 classes for Grade one; other grades are welcome to apply; maximum 24 students per class;
▲ 初中:七年级2个班,八九年级招收插班生,每班26个学生;
▲ Secondary Grade 7-9: 2 classes for Grade 7, other grades are welcome to apply; maximum 26 students per class;
▲ 高中:十年级1个班,十一年级招收插班生,每班26个学生。
▲ Secondary Grade 10: 1 classes for Grade 10, other grades are welcome to apply, maximum 26 students per class.
▲ 父母认同学校的教育理念,愿意和学校结成教育共同体
▲ 良好的综合素质
▲ 优秀的英文水平和学业报告(初高中)
▲ Both parents agree with the school Mission statement
▲ Embodies the learner profile
▲ Excellent English and a good academic record (Secondary applicants)
Tuition fee
▲ PYP预备班:总费用:7.2万/年
▲ 小学(1-6年级):学费13.6万元/年,住宿费1万/年,代收代支按实收取;
▲ 初中(7-8年级):学费17.8万元/年,住宿费1万/年,代收代支按实收取;
▲ 高中(9-10年级):学费18.7万元/年,住宿费1万/年,代收代支按实收取;
▲ Early learning tuition fee: 72,000RMB/year
▲ Primary tuition fee: 136,000RMB/year
▲ Secondary Grade 7-8 tuition fee: 178,000RMB/year
▲ Secondary Grade 9-10 tuition fee: 187,000RMB/year
▲ Secondary Grade 11-12 tuition fee: 208,000RMB/year
(Additional cost like Boarding fee, lunch, bedding etc, will be charged accordingly.)
Documents required
▲ 报名需提供以下资料
▲ 报名表:报名表1份,需贴一张近1个月的大一寸彩色免冠半身照;
▲ 学生户口本复印件(港澳学生身份证和回乡证复印件/中国台湾学生台胞证复印件/外籍学生护照复印件)
▲ 学生近一年学习报告(申请3年级以上学生)
▲ 荣誉:如有。
▲ Application form(attached one passport photograph on)
▲ Identification/passport copy
▲ Latest one year report
▲ Certificates(if applicable)