1. Received Bachelor of Education from York University and Bachelor of Science in 2016. 2. Has worked in a variety of educational settings specializing in ESL, English, and business studies. I also work as a program coordinator for a non-profit organization that helps underprivileged children in Ontario Public Schools develop literacy skills. 3. Ontario Certified Teacher - Specialized in Junior/Intermediate and Senior Studies. 4. Head of English department at former schools, curriculum developer for English for Academic Purposes Program in former school, Curriculum development for City High School. 5. Musical Theatre, and fitness!! (Certified Personal Trainer) I performed at York University's Musical Theatre Group for over 5 years! 6. I lived in the Caribbean for 6 months! 7. I always challenge my students to achieve their personal best!
【显示更多】 【收起详情】1. I completed my Honours Bachelor of Science degree at the University of Toronto where I studied Psychology with a concentration in cognitive neuroscience and developmental psychobiology. 2. At City High School, I’ve helped to develop the programs (University Application series), and marketing, in addition to supporting the execution of events/ activities run by the school. 3. At the University of Toronto, my role as a Leadership Facilitator at the Department of Student Life allowed me to design and execute several programs and events that support student involvement on campus. This included designing and facilitating workshops for incoming first year students, in addition to teaching the principles of goal setting and participating in fun events that bring students together. 4. Psychological First Aid at the Johns Hopkins University, and in person and online certifications for mental health/ suicide training completed during my undergrad at U of T. 5. I completed a research project where I examined creativity and imagination through assessing emotions & personal insight in creative writing stories.
【显示更多】 【收起详情】Born in Belleville, Ontario Completed Honours Bachelor of Arts at Glendon College, York University completed Bachelor of Education at Queen´s University in 2001 Teaching federal government employees second languages since 1980 ESL private language school in Quebec City 7 years ESL private language school in Barcelona 10 years OCT in 2001 English Literature and History 18 years high school teacher, English, French, Spanish, History, Dramatic Arts
【显示更多】 【收起详情】以全额奖学金被哈佛大学、多伦多大学、英属哥伦比亚大学、香港大学、加 利福尼亚大学、清华大学等世界录取,毕业于多伦多大学生物工程专业专业致力于学生指导及学业规划, 熟知加拿大院校录取条件及各院校优势专业。 1.Former Intern at Beijing United Hospital; Researched and co-published numerous scientific researches (Provart Lab @ UofT); Student Counselling Manager at Mt Sinai Hospital; Former Researcher at Roche Pharmaceuticals; Former Consultant at Apple's Education Department; 2.Certificate in Laboratory Animal Medicine; 120 in iBT TOEFL (Full marks); 3.Fundraised for several charities to help the unprivileged; Peer mentoring; 4.Molecular Genetics Student Association
【显示更多】 【收起详情】1. Academic backgrounds and Achievements: Yunnan Normal University, Bachelor of Arts; University of Toronto, Master of Divinity. 2. Past and current work experience highlights: I worked as an interpreter between Mandarin and English in Ethiopia for during 2007-2009. I have been teaching ESL at Anglican Network in Canada since 2019. I have also been teaching Chinese at city high school since 2019. 3. Certifications: Bachelor of Arts, Master of Divinity, TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) 4. Accomplishments: I am interested in reading, writing and teaching. I published my autobiography story in 2019.
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