领科教育北京校区在2019年CAIE全球统考科学类考试中,物理Physics (9702) ,化学Chemistry (9701) 和生物Biology (9700) 的成绩百分比远超于全球同类成绩百分比。面对如此惊艳的成绩,是与我们的教学和课程安排密切相关的。

- Chen Yuan
The learning of physics requires many different skills from the students at all levels. They will learn to think logically in order to observe, explain and demonstrate through experiments or calculations. Mathematics is an important tool that will allow them to prove and support their concepts and the use of English will enable them to explain thoroughly their observations, demonstrations and conclusions. At Ulink Beijing we intend to develop all those skills so that the students become independent individuals able to think in a sensitive way and solve problems for themselves.
- Camille

Chemistry is a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and the transformations that they undergo. Through the study of Chemistry, our students are free to exhibit curiosity in order to more fully understand the world around them. At Beijing ULink, we offer a full IGCSE and A-Level curriculum that is designed to prepare our students for a myriad of educational and career opportunities in a wide variety of fields. Looking at reactions on the molecular level can be a glimpse into an alternate world. To help our students enter that world and contribute to the future of society is what we at Beijing ULink strive for.
- Head of Sciences, Adam
- Rachel

Biology is an essential subject for medicine, dentistry, veterinary practice, pharmaceutical development and conservation of our biodiversity among many other professions, and at ULink our teaching reflects this wide range of applications. Our students gain some of the best results in the world, for example last year 70% of A level Biology examination entrants achieved an A* grade, some going on to Cambridge University, and in the British Biology Olympiad competition for AS students, all six of our entrants gained medals.
- Andrew
- Ariya

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