毕业于迈莫瑞尔大学,曾在加拿大任教多年,目前是我校环境科学、社会学和英文写作教师。 Wayne graduated from Memorial University and taught many years in Canada before coming to China. He has been a teacher in Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada for two years before coming to Shenzhen Concord College of Sino-Canada. He is our main Environmental Science teacher and also teachers Social Studies and Writing...
【显示更多】 【收起详情】毕业于纽宾士域大学,11年级英语组长,英文第二语言(TESL)的资深教师。 Lisa graduated from the University of New Brunswick and also has Teaching English Second Language Certification (TESL). She is going into her third year with us and is the grade 10 Social Studies Leader and the Grade 11 English Leader.
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