


发布日期:2019-07-16 14:02 阅读:3363人



      2019年4月17日华师双语大剧院举办了"Explore the Brain"(探索大脑)主题讲座,此次讲座邀请了华师双语国际专家咨询委员会(International Advisory Board)成员,斯坦福大学文理学院讲席教授,美国艺术与科学学院院士,美国国家科学院院士,未来科学大奖科学委员会委员--骆利群教授。

On April 17, 2019, ECNUAS Theatre held a seminar on “Exploring the Brain”.This lecture invited members of the International Advisory Board, Professor of the Stanford University College of Arts and Sciences, USA. Academician of the College of Arts and Sciences, Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences, Member of the Scientific Committee of the Future Science Awards - Professor Luo Liqun.





Before the lecture, President Gong delivered a speech thank Professor Luo for coming to do the lecture and presented Professor Luo with a letter of appointment from the ECNUAS International Advisory Committee. As an advisory committee member, Professor Luo will provide constructive comments and suggestions for the internationalization and academic development of our school.


Just like teaching at Stanford University, firstly, professor Luo told the students how to think: the most important one is "ask questions." For example, why do I look like my father and mother? Why do I remember or forget? When the problem arises, the next step is “finding the answer”, which is verified by observing, measuring, thinking, summarizing, proposing the theory and designing the experiment.





Professor Luo talked about the process of discovering the laws of science by Newton, Mendel and other scientists. At the same time, a picture of people who are not familiar with them was played on the screen. A student from the high school answered the correct answer, Cahal. Cahal is the founder of neurobiology and a scientist that Professor Luo admires. From Cahal, the students entered the field of neurobiology. One case after another, telling students what is neurobiology research.





For example, the age range in which our mother tongue and second language develops different images of nerve signals in the brain; through this proposition, the basic structure of the brain is presented. So how do we perceive the world? Five senses dominate our perception of the world, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. The imagination of the salmon returning to the nest is very typical of their behavioral patterns which relying on olfactory memory. The experiment of the chicks relying on visual behavior is also very interesting. The students tried to find the answer, which is very close to the purpose of the experiment. Owls are famous hearing masters. Scientists put on glasses to do experiments and discovered the mystery of hearing. These interesting experiments inspired the enthusiasm of the students, and opened a door to the students!





Professor Luo also talked about the hot topic in recent years, the topic of artificial intelligence - computer and the human brain. He used a series of data to tell the students the difference and also used the "tennis" vividly depict the reaction of our human brain. Of course, the human brain can continue to develop and continue to study in depth. This is the encouragement of the professors to the students. They should continue study and explored in depth, and knowledge is endless.





The time for the lecture passed soon, but the spark of thought was flashed out, and the students have many questions about science inquiry. Two of the students who answered correctly in the lecture received a gift from Professor Luo. The depth of the questions raised by our students made the professor very surprised. The professor praised some students can answering questions that even too difficult to the university student. At the end of the lecture, Professor Luo Liqun went into the classroom continue to discuss the knowledge of environment, biology and physics, and also provide suggestions for their future development.





The significance of a high academic lecture allows us to see and explore the world. At the same time, we also understand how can we  start our own path. A small spark of thought can bloom infinitely, bringing profound meaning to the development of mankind. ECNUAS will invite more internationally renowned experts and scholars to visit us, to guide the professional study of our students. From ECNUAS, experts and scholars bring spark of thought. I hope that after few years, our school will invited scholars back to ECNUAS.  


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