Whole person education–Bringing life-long benefits to students
合作学习 批判性思维 个性化发展 学术理念 实践能力 创新能力 跨语言、文化交际能力
Vision:Because of Guangwai-Pachelli High School, you will have a successful and joyful life! 因为广外-帕切利高中,创造成功喜悦人生!
Mission:Guangwai Pacelli High School inspires academic excellence and global citizenship development to prepare students for international higher education and life-long learning.
Education Concept:Whole person education----Bring life-long benefits to students

学校的理念是“培育全面发展的人才-使学生终身获益”(Whole person education-Bring life-long benefits to students)。学校凭借教育教学设施,始终保持在州内教育界地位,并立足于传统的教育理念,为学有余力的学生提供极具挑战性的大学预科课程。学校从“合作、批判性思维、学生个性化发展、学术理念、实践能力、创新能力”等7项综合素质培养学生全面发展。
Pacelli High School was founded in 1955 and follows the tradition of excellent secondary schools in Stevens Point. Pacelli High School provides various activities for each student. Students can cultivate their self-restraint and team spirit through sports competitions. By organizing club activities and extracurricular activities, they also can develop their interests and hobbies, close the distance between classmates and improve their social skills.
Pacelli High School equires teachers to convey the principles of respectation, honesty and faithfulness in class and in daily life, so that they can help students to develop characters for the preparation of their future. The whole campus is in an atmosphere of self-confidence and self-discipline in the past and present.
Pacelli High School provides life coach group which consists of the dean, consultants, counselors, etc when studetns encounter problems in terms of their life or study. Pacelli High School was informed that they are in the top 10 for high school-to-college success based on a report created by ACT and the UW College System. The report shows that Pacelli Catholic High School graduates have “a significant advantage” over their peers in college when it comes to succeeding in college courses.
Teachers from all disciplines in the school adopt group discussions and round table teaching methods. Students and teachers sit around the table, sharing, questioning, discussing and thinking with each other. Parcelli High school offers more than 100 courses covering 15 subject areas, providing more than 20 sports and more than 40 extracurricular activities.
The mission of the school is “Educating the whole person for life”. With advanced technology, the school has always maintained a leading position in education, and based on traditional beliefs, it provides challenging AP courses to prepare students for the university. Pacelli High School develops students based on the following seven comprehensive practices: Collaboration,Critical thinking,Personalized learning ,Academic Excellent ,Authentic Real-World Learning Creativity and Communication.
帕切利学校是美国威斯康辛州数次获得“蓝带”学校荣誉称号的一所学校,学校每年SAT(ACT)考试平均分(等同于美国高考)高出美国国内其他学校平均分近5分,其教育理念“培育全面发展的人才-让学生终身获益 ”与广外基础教育的育人理念“培养走向世界的现代人”高度契合。