班级规模 班级规模:25

  The high school is comprised of Grades 10–12, and offe rs a rigorous program in preparation for entrance into worldwide universities and technical schools. Upon completion of the required credits for graduation, students at CIS receive an Alberta High School Diploma, accredited by the Alberta Ministry of Education.   高中由10 - 12年级组成,提供严格的学习计划,为同学即将进入全球大学和学院做准备。完成毕业所需学分后,同学将获得艾伯塔省教育部认可的艾伯塔省高中。   Purpose 培养目标:   The Bridge to High School Success: Students in junior high school develop further skills to prepare for the challenges and academic demands of high school.   Preparation for Success in High School: Students are exposed to a wide variety of disciplines beyond the common core curriculum, such as Music, Art, Drama, along with other career-related opportunities.   Inclusive Learning Environment: Educational practices are responsive to the strengths, needs and learning preferences of individual students which helps to create inclusive learning experiences that ensure all students are successful.   Well-balanced and Flexible: Core curriculum is prescribed by Alberta Education along with flexibility for students to take various options.   Assessment that Benefits Students: Provincial Achievement Tests provide an external measure of standards of learning and ensure students are on track for learning what they need for success.   All of our students to graduate with an Alberta High School Diploma and enter a top ranked university.     通往高中成功的桥梁:初中的同学们将进一步发展技能,为高中的挑战和学业要求做好准备。   高中生为成功除了准备核心课程之外,还会接触到各种各样的学科,比如音乐、艺术、戏剧,以及其他与职业相关的机会。   浸入的学习环境:对每个学生个体的优势、需求和学习偏好进行个性化指导,有助于创造更好的学习体验,助力学生都获得成功。   平衡灵活的核心课程:艾伯塔省教育局制定了平衡灵活的核心课程,学生可以灵活选择。   考试:省级成绩考试为学生提供了统一的学习成果衡量标准,并让学生能够顺利学习成功所需的知识。   让学生毕业并获得艾伯塔省高中并进入世界大学。

  General Introduction 关于我们

  The Canadian International School of Guangzhou (CIS) offers an Early Childhood to Grade 12 education based on the Canadian (Alberta) curriculum. CIS is the first K-12 school that has been accredited by Alberta Education, and we are also an IB PYP Candidate School. We welcome all international families with child aged 2-18 apply for admissions.

  广州市加拿大外籍人员子女学校(CIS)提供由加拿大艾伯塔省教育局认证的幼儿园、小学、初中及高中课程。CIS 是中国大陆地区一所由加拿大艾伯塔省认证的K-12国际学校,同时也是一所国际文 凭小学项目(IB PYP)候选学校,面向全球家庭招收2-18岁幼儿园至高中学生

  Age Grid 招生年龄段【点击咨询招生详情】

  Age 2-4 Pre-Kindergarten

  Age 5 Kindergarten

  Age 6-11 Elementary School

  Age 12-15 Middle School

  Age 16-18 High School

  2-4岁 幼儿园

  5岁 学前班

  6-11岁 小学

  12-15岁 初中

  16-18岁 高中

  *Age definition: Students will be enrolled based on their age as of September 1st.


  Online Admission Procedures


  STEP 1

  Contact Admissions to complete an Application Form or make a school tour appointment.


  STEP 2

  Submit the application documents; Pay application processing fee; and confirm your appointment for an assessment.


  STEP 3

  One-on-one interview and assessment (in English).


  STEP 4

  Receive assessment results/offer letter.


  STEP 5

  Complete tuition payment and secure placement.


  Admission Requirements 申请资料

  CIS welcomes all international families (including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan) to apply for admission. The requirements include:

  - Application Form

  - Picture of the student

  - Student's foreign passport/Permanent Resident

  - Parents' passports

  - School records

  - Application Processing Fee of 2,000 RMB


  - 报名表

  - 学生证件照

  - 学生外籍护照/永 久居留

  - 家长护照

  - 学校成绩单

  - 报名受理费2000元人民币

  Fees 学费及杂费【点击咨询收费详情】

  *This policy applies to new families joining CIS in school year 2022-2023. CIS reserved the right to change the current fee standard.


  Tuition 学费

  *Tuition is paid annually or by semester. The discount for siblings or CIEO graduates is 5%.


  Miscellaneous Fees (Mandatory)


  * New students need to buy a whole pack of school uniforms. Current CIS students need to update sports uniform items every twoyears (670RMB/2 sets).

  * New students from PreK 2-4 and new dorm students need to buy a whole pack of bedding.

  * ELL support is determined after the initial assessment.

  * 新生需要购买全套校服。入读后每两年统一收取一次运动服置换费用(670 元/2套运动服)。

  * 幼儿园2-4岁班新生及新住宿生需要购买全套床品。

  * ELL语言支持以入学考试结果为准。

  Miscellaneous Fees (Optional)


1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

预约探校 招生报名



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为了更好地为您提供选校咨询、生涯规划、留学、背提、研学服务,我们将收集您的上述信息。若您同意且理解,上述信息将用于本公司为您进行后期回访,从而定制更为贴心的服务。此外,您的上述信息我们将同步共享至您在此页面上浏览的学校,以便该学校招生办老师与您联络。关于您的个人信息处理规则详见 《用户隐私政策》
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