

长沙康礼·克雷格学校荣膺2024年“中国最 佳新学校奖”殊荣!

发布日期:2024-03-12 15:33 阅读:822人

继1月长沙康礼·克雷格学校入围2024年中国学校奖新学校奖类别后,康礼不负众望,在中国学校奖2024年度评选中,荣获备受推崇的“最 佳新学校奖”!

We are elated to share the incredible news that Cogdel Cranleigh School Changsha has emerged triumphant as the winner of the prestigious New School Award at the China Schools Awards 2024!



由中国英国商会主办的中国学校奖,是一项旨在表彰和庆祝全国范围内K12教育领域中取得卓越成就和最 佳实践的荣誉奖项。

Organized by the British Chamber of Commerce in China, the China Schools Awards recognize and celebrate outstanding achievement and best practice in international-oriented K12 education throughout the country.


此次,康礼荣获“最 佳新学校”奖项,这不仅是对学校团队坚定不移的奉献精神和创新方法的肯定,更是对学校为学生和当地社区提供卓越教育的明证。值得一提的是,康礼作为此次评选中一家位于中国教育中心城市之外(即非北京、上海和广州)的获奖学校,这进一步凸显了康礼在全国范围内推动优质教育的影响力和实力。

Our school's triumph in the New School Award category is a testament to our unwavering dedication, innovative approach, and exceptional provision of education to our students and local community within the first three years of operation. Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that Cogdel Cranleigh School Changsha achieved this accolade as the sole award winner located outside the prominent education hubs of Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

对整个学校社区所作奉献和努力的最 好证明

在广州举行的庆祝晚宴上,学术校长Adam McRoy代表学校满怀自豪地表示:“我们深感荣幸和喜悦,能够荣获中国学校奖2024年度‘最 佳新学校奖’。这一殊荣不仅是对我们学校的肯定,更是对我们整个学校社区——包括学生、教师、工作人员和家长的奉献和努力的最 好证明。”

Adam McRoy, our Academic Headmaster, represented the school at the gala dinner in Guangzhou and expressed his immense pride, stating, "We are truly honored and delighted to be named as the winner of the China Schools Awards 2024 in the New School Award category. This achievement reflects the dedication and hard work of our entire school community – our students, teachers, staff, and parents."

这是令人自豪的成就,是辛勤付出的最 好回馈

英国克雷格公学校长Martin Reader,表达了他的兴奋之情:“得知贵校团队荣获‘最 佳新学校奖’,我必须表达,这是一个非常卓越的成就,也正如贵校校训所言,这是令人自豪的时刻。在此,我要向康礼的全体成员以及始终支持你们的康德教育团队表示最热烈的祝贺。这份荣誉不仅是对你们工作成果的肯定,更是对你们辛勤付出的最 好回馈。”

Martin Reader, Headmaster at Cranleigh School in the UK, shared his excitement, stating, "Upon receiving the news about your team's victory in securing the title of Best New School in China, I must express that this is a truly remarkable achievement and, in line with your motto, has made us very proud indeed. Congratulations to everyone at Cogdel Cranleigh School Changsha and the dedicated Cogdel team that supports you. Such recognition is a significant accolade and a testament to your collective efforts."

最后,在为取得这一成就而欢欣鼓舞时,因向康礼学校社区的每一位成员表达由衷的感激,正是每一位康礼人坚定的支持和承 诺,才为学校的高质量发展提供了强大的后盾和动力。

Finally, as we bask in the glory of this achievement, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all members of the Cogdel Cranleigh community for their unwavering support and commitment to excellence in education.


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