

剑桥文理学校中国中心 CATS China美高课程初高考试详情

发布日期:2019-11-01 10:45 阅读:2032人


  u 2018年考情-初高


  Part 1:Reading and Grammar

  Task 1:Reading Comprehension 1

  The resources of any one environment are limited. Depending on which plants and animals share the environment, there may not be enough of everything to go around. All organisms need water,

  food and shelter to stay alive. These resources are beneficial, which means they are good for the organisms. When an environment is low on any of these things, organisms must compete for them. Those who get to the resources first have the best chance of survival. Being without water, food or shelter for very long is detrimental, which means it is harmful to organisms.


  The resources in an area determine how big the plant and animal populations can be. Sometimes there are too many living things in an area. The weakest of the populations will not be able to get the resources they need. As the weak die out, the populations get smaller. Finally, the area's resources recover and can support them again.

  Sometimes people will capture members of large animal populations and move them. They take them to another location with less competition. This helps them the animals survive.

  Sometimes the government will allow hunting of large animal populations. Deer and rabbits can be a good food source for people. When there are too many of these animals in an area, they sometimes come into the cities looking for food. They often cause trouble. Hunting keeps the number of animals under control.

  1. Why do organisms sometimes have to compete for resources?

  2. What kinds of things are beneficial for organisms?

  3. What kinds of things are detrimental for organisms?

  4. What happens when populations grow too large for an area?

  5. Do you think hunting or relocation is a better solution for over-sized animal populations?Why?




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