


发布日期:2019-12-04 11:48 阅读:2449人

  Student Perspectives

  William Mao (Grade 11)

  Attends Harvard Week

  我校哈佛交换生 William Mao(G11)感想

  2019年10月,我校学生William Mao过五关斩六将,在全国几千名优秀高中生中脱颖而出,获得中国大陆范围内仅有20个名额的美国哈佛大学交换生机会。相信在不久的将来,我校将有更多学生获得美国前30,甚至常春藤大学的青睐。接下来,William同学将与大家分享作为美国哈佛大学交换生的切身心得感受,为更多同学提供参考借鉴,搭桥铺路。

  作者:William Mao

  Last spring, I was very fortunate to receive an offer to Harvard Week at Harvard University, an elite program for exceptional international students from around the world. For ten days in October 2019, I took classes at Harvard and experienced the daily life of university students in the US, including taking classes with famous Harvard University professors.






  The most exciting class I took was a master class taught by a famous German economist, who taught us about strategies for negotiating in business and applying these to real-world situations. I walked out of that class feeling more confident about my debate and public speaking skills, and with more and more excitement and real-world skills to help me fulfill my future goals in economics, finance, and business.


  I also experienced what is typical daily life for students at Harvard University – studying over Starbuck’s coffee in the morning, hurrying from class to class around the beautiful Harvard campus, staying up late every night completing assignments, sharing afternoon tea with Harvard students, and getting to know many of the exceptional students at Harvard University. We also participated in a lot of activities with other Harvard Week students and Harvard University students – a campus scavenger hunt, field trips to historic downtown Boston, including the site of the Boston Tea Party, which really enriched my understanding of early US history.


  Ten days at Harvard University was a short time, but I learned a lot about college life, the academic challenges of college classes, and the challenges university students in the US experience every day. As I return to Shanghai, I feel even more prepared for and confident about being successful in the university of my choice, because now I have an in-depth understanding of life at top universities. As I return to classes at ALAIS, I know better what I need to do to prepare for university and beyond.

  在哈佛大学的时光是短暂的,但是我在这短短的十天内充分体验到了美国大学的生活,感受到了大学课程对学术方面的挑战以及美国大学生每天将面对的挑战。回到上海后,因为我深刻地体验到在大学学习的挑战,我对即将面对的大学挑选有了新的认识。当我回到ALAIS课堂, 我也更加明白了我目前需要为大学学习做的准备工作。


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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
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