






  • Jonathan Schembari (Mr. S)

    Jonathan Schembari (Mr. S)

    Mr. S is the AP Math and Computer Science teacher at Qingdao Academy.   He earned his Bachelor degree in Mathematics from UC Irvine, as well as his Masters degree and Teaching Credential.  Mr. S has also trained at Harvard and brought the first ever AP computer science programs to Qingdao.   He always puts the students first and wants to help them reach their dreams and goals.  His classrooms are learning and community centered; although challenging, he always believes you can improve.  He's helped many students with college applications, discussing in depth what college is about.  He runs the National Math Honor Society and hopes you can be a part of the team.  He also hopes to lead the students in Flag Football or Baseball soon.   In his personal life, Mr. S is married to his wonderful wife Linda, and is passionate about Dodger Baseball and gaming.  On the side he makes videos for his channel and loves to cook.   Mr. S always starts his class with, "EVERYDAY WE ALWAYS GIVE 100 % AND LEAVE 0% BEHIND!" He hopes you will take this message to heart and be the best you can be!

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  • Samuel Griffith

    Samuel Griffith

    学历:美国南卡罗莱纳大学的英语文学学士学位和海岸卡罗莱纳大学的教学硕士学位 工作经验:是一名有着丰富教学经验的英语教师。他曾在美国、摩洛哥和马来西亚任教。热爱教育工作,深受学校师生的欢迎。

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  • Angela Lotona

    Angela Lotona

    学历:美国波士顿大学天文学和物理学学士学位和梅里马克学院教育学硕士学位 工作经验:拥有十年教育经验。现任初中部科学联合主任,教授7年级和8年级科学课。教学之余,她还组织了许多课外学习小组,去年带领学生参加的国际科学比赛入围了全球总决赛资格。

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  • Rick Taira

    Rick Taira

    Rick Taira is American and grew up in California. He did his undergraduate degree at the Columbia University in New York City. He subsequently earned four separate master’s degrees. The first was an MSW from Columbia University. He went on to earn several more graduate degrees in linguistics (Macquarie University, NSW) and education (Bard College, New York). He is currently completing a Masters in School Administration (Wayne State College, Nebraska). He takes the phrase “life-long learner” to a new level.   Currently head of the Qingdao Academy English Department, Rick also teaches language arts classes to fulfill his instructional duties. He teaches 9th grade language arts. He will also be co-coaching the debate club with Ms. Lee. His administrative responsibilities include curriculum development and instructional coaching. Mr. Taira has a unique teaching philosophy that has developed from his extensive experience as an ESL teacher in Asia. He views his work with his Chinese students as a cultural exchange. He often says, “I learn from my students, and they learn from me.” He is also quite versed in strategies that specifically help second language learners. Most importantly, he values the teacher/student relationship and sees it as the key to increasing student achievement levels. 

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  • Sander Zapata

    Sander Zapata

    Originally from Colombia, Sander has been living and working in China for over 20 years. An educator at heart, Sander holds a bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Culture and a master’s degree in Educational Psychology, fluent in three languages, and an excellent Salsa dancer that loves to spend time with his children Gaby and Nico. A very open minded person, always willing to listen to ideas and learn about new cultures. 

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  • 王乃伟


    北京师范大学文学学士学位,北京大学文学硕士学位。在校期间学业成绩优异,学生工作突出,获得北京师范大学京师一等奖学金、北京大学五四奖学金等荣誉。英语语言基础扎实,热心教育事业,曾任美国驻华大使馆北京美国中心英语写作中心(RELO Writing Center)写作辅导志愿者,为社会各界人士提供英语写作指导;后在北京科技大学附属中学实习,负责英语学科教育教辅工作,获得优异实习生荣誉。现于北京十一学校国际部任教,负责托福、SAT的课程教学及学生综合实践管理工作。

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  • 李妍


    北京外国语大学与美国布朗大学的双硕士,接受过文学、语言学、口笔译等综合性学术训练,持有人社部的二级笔译证 书。曾获得2018年青岛市“一师一优课”英语学科组二等奖,2019年青岛市全员育人优异案例一等奖,指导导生侯嘉怡在2019“外研社杯”全国中学生外语素养大赛中获得全国一等奖、2018“希望之星英语风采大赛”全国赛中获得全国二等奖……和孩子们既是“学伴”,也是“战友”,拥有超越师生关系的“革命友谊”,希望通过语言教学,打开学生认识世界的新视角,用语言传递中国对世界的善意,帮助中国青年在世界的舞台上做较温暖有力的表达。 擅长领域:英语口语教学和比赛辅导;标化考试(TOFEL、IELTS)教学;翻译学术与实践教学;出国规划指导;美国大学申请。 教育格言:以学业的成功带动完美人格的形成。

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  • 崔雨薇


    1、十年级生物教师,生物竞赛教师,生物学科主任;   2、本科毕业于吉林大学后保 送清华大学并获得理学博士学位,主要从事表观遗传学相关研究;   3、可以帮助学生进行学科学习的规划;   4、教育格言:每个学生都是在不断变化和发展中的,所以每一个人都值得被期待!

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