

青苗IB小课堂:IB那么难,为什么还如此受欢迎?Why is IB so hard, yet popular?

发布日期:2020-11-25 11:37 阅读:1354人


  At last weekend’s school fair, , the most talked about topic was IB! Many educators agree that the IBDP program is probably the most difficult high school course in the world. The IB curriculum is challenging for both students and schools. But why has the popularity of IB courses and the number of schools offering IB courses increased exponentially in recent years?


  Comparison of international curriculums:


  British A-level, American AP, what about IB?



  IB包含6个学科组课程,包含标阶课程(Standard Level)和更具挑战的高阶课程(Higher Level)。所有IB DP项目学生必须在规定的六个学科组中选6门课程进行学习,这6门课中至少有3门是高阶课程,且只有6门课程都合格,才可以毕业。


  Full name: International Baccalaureate Diploma Program, a set of prerequisite courses for G11-G12 students. The IB curriculum’s unique system is built on the fundamental and best practices of the primary curriculum systems from various highly developed countries, hence is broadly compatible yet different from all existing ones.

  The IB curricula are allocated in 6 basic subjects from 2 different levels – the Standard Level and more challenging Higher Level. Students are required to study in both science and art courses. All IB students must choose one course out of 6 subject units, which will then be categorized into advanced course and academic course.

  IB curriculum is not only globally approved high academic level education system, but also being adopted by a wider range of universities and high schools around the world as an ideal solution for international students targeting on overseas universities. As of today, over 1,000 universities in more than a dozen of countries accept IB. By the end of 2015, there are more than 4,000 IBO member schools, with over 100 from China, and the number is growing rapidly.


  Core advantages of IB


  与传统课程体系不用,IB是一种课程框架而非课程内容本身,它是一种教育理念,强调能力素养层面的培养。比如IB十大学习者素养、CAS 创新/实践/服务、TOK 知识论和EE拓展论文。大学知道,但凡能取得IB的学生都通过CAS、小组活动、课堂演讲的重重考验具备了大学必要的软实力——创造能力、沟通能力、提问能力、反思能力。


  Unlike traditional education concept, IB focus on inquiry and reflective thinking. Students must rely on their inborn curiosity and inner drive to learn, and constantly think reflectively for their own long-term development.

  IB is more of a framework containing an education concept which is to nurture competency and capabilities. i.e. the 10 IB Learner’s Profile, CAS Creative/Practice/Service, TOK Epistemology and EE Extended Essay. Universities believe an IB student is empowered with the creativity, communication, inquiry and reflection abilities.

  IB is a bridge to world top universities for its preferential enrolling policies with US IVY League, Cambridge and Oxford etc. Many US universities highly appreciate IB for setting good fundamentals for freshmen.


  Not all schools can become IB school



  As of today, there are around 100 IB schools in China only. All candidates must meet all strict standards of IBO with no exception, and the lead time to obtain approval can be 5-6 years.

  All IB schools are under IBO supervision, and a thorough audit is in order every 5 years for keeping the IB accreditation valid. Teachers, besides their strong career background, must take IB trainings annually.

  青苗学校IB PYP,MYP,DP全认证

  Ø 2013年6月 顺义校区高中部通过国际大学预科项目(IB DP)认证

  Ø 2016年6月 上东校区通过国际小学项目(IB PYP)认证

  Ø 2016年7月 顺义校区初中部通过国际中学项目(IB MYP)认证

  2018年7月 顺义校区小学部通过国际小学项目 (PYP) 认证

  Beanstalk International Bilingual School

  IB PYP,MYP,DP Accreditation

  Ø June-2013 Shunyi Campus HS received IB DP

  Ø June-2016 UES Campus received IB PYP

  Ø July-2016 Shunyi Campus MS received IB MYP

  July-2018 Shunyi Campus ES received IB PYP


  BeansTalk:sharing and listening,make education better!





  Regarding IB, We believe that for many parents who grew up with traditional education, there are still many puzzles and questions. To bring to the end, we set up a special "BIBS IB classroom" seminar, you are welcome to ask IB related questions in the message area. We will invite the BIBS IB Coordinators to provide detailed answers to the questions you want to know!

  Readers who actively interact with our message will have the opportunity to receive a beautiful gift from the marketing department of Beanstalk Education Group, and walk into the "BIBS Lecture Hall" as a special guest to meet with education experts face-to-face to discuss hot topics related to education. Thank you for your support and participation!


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