

世界很大、未来很长,青苗学校愿你带着IB精神继续乘风破浪!To future, with IB spirit!

发布日期:2020-07-09 13:52 阅读:2196人





  In the students' final year of the PYP, the students are required to engage in a collaborative, transdisciplinary inquiry process that involves them in identifying, investigating, and offering solutions to real-life issues or problems.

  Due to COVID 19, the BIBS UES and Shunyi use this opportunity to explore supporting students with their exhibition digitally. We are celebrating their investigation results and findings virtually this year. I am so proud to see many of our students have developed great communication skills, leadership skills, and resilience during this time to get their work done.


  From the Teachers

  Ms. Annie Chew


  BIBS UES Campus PYP Coordinator

  成果展是整个PYP阶段的终结仪式,要求学生通过项目方式展示在小学阶段取得的成果。今年,青苗上东校区成果展的中心思想是“探索,是创造问题、实验研究、找寻答案、并为人类更好的明天进行创新的过程。”很欣慰看到学生们在各个方面取得的进步,同时特别感谢五年级教师团队和导师的辛勤付出。 “我相信,教育是经历的重建,教育的目的就是教育的过程本身!”( John Dewey)

  The PYP Exhibition serves as a culminating experience and allowing the students to exhibit the attributes of the student profile that have been developing throughout their engagement with the PYP. This year, our overall central idea for the exhibition is "Exploration is the act of creating questions and finding answers through searching and experimentation, leading to invention and innovation for the better of mankind." Many thanks to the G5 team and all the mentors for spending hours in supporting the students to explore the different areas and be creative towards actions. 'I believe finally, that education must be conceived as a continuing reconstruction of experience; that the process and the goal of education are one and the same thing.' JOHN DEWEY!

  Ms. Jackie Ferrira

  Ms. Lindsey Qi

  Ms. Jessica  Liu


  BIBS Shunyi Campus G5 Teacher


  The exhibition creates the opportunity for student’s voice to be heard, it unites the whole school community together in celebration for their learning, however the students develop in independence and taking responsibility. From all this learning it is also great to see how action can be taken as a result of their understanding of the great needs in the world. This year our student chose to focus on the United Nations Global Goal number 3 – Good Health and Well – Being and along with their personal passion they create their exhibition.

  Mr. Neil Kirkwood GLL


  BIBS UES Campus G5 Tearcher

  2020年的成果展非常特别,来自世界各地的参展者和承办人通过互联网实现了一次远程互动。学生们通过了解早前探险者的活动和文献记录,讨论了这些先驱的特质、他们的创造,以及这些创造为世界带来的影响。同时学生们也被鼓励在自己、社区和更大的社会范围内更多的身体力行。因为疫情的限制,今年学生们更多地使用了iMovies,PPT或 Keynote的方式准备自己的项目展示,他们表现出来的创造力和行动力让我为他们感到骄傲!

  The 2020 Exhibition started like no other, with tuning in activities were created, administered and participated in from all corners of the world. Students engaged in activities and readings about explorers from the past. We discussed the attributes of these pioneers, the inventions and innovations they needed, and the impact they had on the world at the time. This was the essence of what exploration leads to. Then a variety of different videos were used to look at how inventions and innovations changed the world over time. This year the added challenge of using technology like iMovies. PPT or Keynote presentations have had the students engaged in preparing these. I am really looking forward to seeing these presentations, as we have such an imaginative and dynamic group of students.

  Ms. Alice Ma

  Ms. Lee Li


  BIBS Shunyi Campus G5 Teacher


  The PYP Exhibition offers an opportunity for the students to demonstrate, challenge and celebrate their achievements. The Exhibition is not about testing results but teamwork, brainstorming, out-of-the-box thinking and true friendship. During the process, students learn to think, take risk, reflect and be patient. Good luck to our lovely children and wishing them a successful future!


  Student’s Exhibition Work






  BIBS UES Campus G5 Student


  Nowadays AI is more and more utilized in human life. We want to explore this field by understanding its history and fundamental technologies, and how it contributes to our society and future. Will AI become our friend of enemy? Is AI making our life better or be dominating human world? We believe AI will help us build a better tomorrow!


  Children’s Healthy Diet

  Dolphin Li


  BIBS Shunyi Campus G5 Student


  In my opinion, children must have healthy food and eat on time. What they eat is more important than anything. As for kids, snacks or sugar treats are tasty, but they don’t have any nutrition, especially the added sugar, which is harmful. Sugar is everywhere! People must pay attention with when and how much sugar they take every meal. Eating colorful fruits and vegetables is a fun and good way to stay healthy. First, each ingredient plays an important role in children’s health. Second, the ingredient changes go through cooking. Third, different ingredients impact on children’s body system.


  Rock and Mine





  BIBS UES Campus G5 Student


  We wanted to explore how rocks took shape. What changes in the environment mean to rocks? How do we identify rocks and mine? How can rocks help our future life? We discussed 3 types of rocks, how they formed, and in what environment. We took some field trips and spoke to geologists, and presented our research in visual art. We drew the Grand Canyon and we wish everyone can get a feel of the strength and beauty of the rock!


  Marine Mammal





  BIBS UES Campus G5 Student


  71% of the earth is covered by ocean. Being mammals ourselves, we should care more about the marine mammals and take actions!

  万能屏幕 All-Do-Table



  BIBS Shunyi Campus G5 Student


  I’m interested in technology because it makes our life more comfortable and convenient. If you say “I want to watch a movie” then it shows huge amounts of movies on the screen. It can even answer questions about health. If you set up a time for exercise at a time, the screen will show “Its time 2 exercise” and it shows some videos of exercise workouts. If it’s time for a meal, it will show “Time for breakfast/lunch/dinner” on the screen and the refrigerator opens by itself and it would show many healthy mix of all the food in the refrigerator,you choose one and it makes it by itself.


  Explore the Ocean

  Sarah Elsa Alexa


  BIBS UES Campus G5 Student


  Our three inquiry lines are: How do ocean resources and sea animals affect human life? How does human affect the ocean and sea animals? How do sea animals’ living condition change the eco system? During the 3 months of inquiry journey, we searched on the internet, watched videos and interviewed experts. We took notes and established our website, and presented the human-ocean relationship through painting. We also designed our own dance and ocean-themed dress. We wish to raise everyone’s attention to protect the ocean from being polluted.


  Memory of an artist



  BIBS Shunyi Campus G5 Student


  The artist on the paintings is actually myself. I was wondering about human beings affect the Corona virus spread. The human beings change to global warming, the ice melt in arctic, polo bears were dying, and the viruses were spreading. I am considering about less flow of people so there is less pollutions and chance to get sick. Growing trees for saving lives

  伴随着这场成果展的圆满落幕,每一位青苗PYP学习者们也为自己的小学阶段画上圆满的句点。愿你们记得青苗学校赋予你的中国情怀和国际视野,愿你们记得国际小学项目(IB PYP)给予你的探究精神和终身学习的能力,这个世界很大、未来很长,永远需要你独立、主动、勇敢的学习和探索!

  With the Exhibition, every little BIBS learner successfully completed their PYP study. May you explore the world with deep Chinese root, may you keep fond memories of your IB PYP with BIBS. There is a big world waiting for you, we wish you independent, brave and proactive.


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