


发布日期:2021-05-17 11:24 阅读:1610人


  Taicang Walton Foreign Language School aims to provide a creative, courageous, and open- minded learning community that encourages students to be lifelong learners. Our school helps students to be responsible global citizens respecting both international and Chinese cultures and traditions. We strive to create a learning environment that's focused on the cultivation of tomorrow’s leaders while embodying educational excellence, interdisciplinary proficiencies and cross-cultural competencies.



  生本课堂:合作 互动 建构(国家课程与部分奠基课程的学习)

  人本学堂:自主 对话 体验(部分奠基课程与发展课程的学习)

  学子讲堂:主体 多元 探究(部分发展课程与探究课程的学习)



  Taking from the essence of Chinese traditional education, but introducing all the elements of the Modern Western educational philosophy is the differentiator for the Walton Foreign Language School. Our mission and implementation pays more attention to the changing of the Student Learning Mode, which is realized mainly through the construction of three distinct categories.

  The Innovative Classroom: This is a cooperative and an multilateral construction which formulates the National Chinese Curriculum with Western and Socratic Methodologies.

  The Human Oriented School : This is an Autonomous Conversation Experience where by students interact with Foreign Faculty and each other to enhance the linguistic capabilities of each student and implemented with some foundational and developmental courses.

  The once dominant lecture based model has become courses with multiple explorations, innovative new technologies, and research based courses filled with critical thinking skills and analytic.

  The Walton Foreign Language School believes that modern schools must focus on “Innovative Teachers Teaching” to students immersed in multiple and variable means of study, comprehension, retention, and learning. The Walton Foreign Languages School makes students become the master of their own learning, so as to obtain and retain knowledge in formation of self-study skills, self-exploration techniques, while simultaneously developing each student’s personality, emotion and critical thinking skills which lead to greater expression and deeper understanding of the material for lifelong application as well as lifelong learning .

  The Campus Experience As Classroom: The Walton School provides student who work, study, and play together a unique, picturesque and multifaceted learning experience that we humbly refer to as our ONE GLOBAL CLASSROOM. We have boarding and dormitory students, primary school students – all the way through secondary school years and three distinct upper level tracks that serve to meet each individual student’s needs and learning strengths. This diverse group along, with the International Faculty, provides our students with a one of a king Global Experience with a definitive emphasis on English Language Learning populated throughout all our courses and events.









  Reforming the very idea of what Education should be:

  1. We base student development on not only a superb curriculum but variable and variegated methodologies that will prepare our charges for the rigors of higher academics in not only the rooted Chinese System, but in Western Educational Disciplines with the Socratic skills to meet all life’s challenges.

  2. Our focus is not on higher scores but on higher education. We concern ourselves with lasting success and not transient grades on a single assignment. We look at the end game of student success as far more than just a grade on a piece of paper. Lifelong skills developed for lifelong learning.

  3. We work from the belief that a student who is prepared to pass a single test and nothing more will pass the test but fail the course of LIFE. We strive to make sure that a Walton student is prepared to be a great student, a great citizen, a great role model, and a great human being.

  4.Our reinforcements of our methodologies and pedagogy occur in not only the things we do in the classrooms, but the very that we interact with our student body in every facet. Our mission and our implementation happen in the hallways, on the walkways, during events, right down to the smiles and discipline that our staff exudes as role models for our future generations that we are building on this campus.

  5. With as much effort as we are placing on building our students, we are also building our faculty and administration. We are hiring the best people to do the toughest jobs and making sure that they have impeccable credentials and even more impeccable character and superior teaching abilities. We are investing in the best and training them to be even better.

  The Walton Foreign Language School is shattering the traditional educational models in China, while still maintaining and enhancing the rigors and outcomes of the traditional Chinese System. We have taken those attributes of the Chinese System and mixed them with interdisciplinary tactics and cooperative learning. We have made students active participants in their own education. We are here to guide them and facilitate their best learning strategies while simultaneously helping them over the hurdles that can face any differentiated learner. We are committed to the aforementioned mission in the creation of The Walton Foreign Language School…

  Walton-Taicang as the cradle of the cultivation of the international elite and the bridge to famous schools; it is committed to the nurturing of the students to be exceptional human beings, to do magnificent things, to love life, and to become the elite of life-long learning.


  中西并重 文理兼长 全球视野 幸福成长


  The day to day operations of the school maintains the mission and directive of the Educational Philosophies that we have set forth. Everyone knows the ideology and teaches to the mission of creating the whole student – academically, emotionally, physically, linguistically, and morally so that they may represent our school and their families as they go out into the world.

  Walton Foreign Language School believes that in order to cultivate citizens of the world that modern education should not only give students an abundant national culture, but also make students recognize the whole world in a unique view and a broader perspective right into their adult lives. The students will grow up to be international talents with the tolerance, understanding and appreciation of a multi-cultural and global society.



  真人:求真坦诚 坚毅乐观 高尚理想 健全人格

  全人:高雅气质 强健体魄 广博学养 独特兴趣

  新人:创新意识 世界眼光 高效思维 开拓精神


  Meeting All Objectives:

  Walton Foreign Language School is here to educate and create “The Global Citizen with concrete objectives and sound policies for assessment:

  The Sincere Human: seek truth and be honest, be persistent and optimistic, have noble ideals and a sound personality.

  The Well-rounded Human: have elegant temperament, a strong body, a wide range of knowledge and uniquely diverse interests.

  The New Human: have innovative awareness, a global view, efficient thinking and a pioneering spirit.

  The Walton Foreign Language School believes that our future society requires a student’s lifelong development be based on a superior elementary education. Therefore, Walton is to cultivating inquisitive, knowledgeable, emotional, broad-minded, and caring students who are ready to be impactful and make themselves be the caretakers of our future whose responsibility it is to continue to make profound differences in all aspects of humanity.









  Educational Pursuits

  These years at Walton will be the best years of their lives! They will have unforgettable memories and an uncompromising education to fuel their pursuits for higher education and great lifelong success. Their faculty over time will become like trusted friends and colleagues to whom they can return with questions, success stories, and tribulations needing guidance. A Walton Education is a commitment to being a part of the Walton Family forevermore and knowing that there is always a place that students and alumni can call home.

  Our students are growing up in unique and unbelievable times, and we must prepare them equally uniquely and sincerely for the trials ahead. We must create multilingual, multicultural, multi-faceted students who understand the global perspective of and ever changing world. Our programs success will come in their maturity and progression toward all their greater goals. Over time the Walton Experience will prove it is truly the only way to create, educate, and enhance the model of the Global Citizen.


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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

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