

青年说 | 上海田家炳中学未来杯演说家选拔赛完美落幕

发布日期:2019-09-05 10:07 阅读:2926人



  Shanghai Tianjiabing

  Secondary School

  "Youth Talk

  Future Speaker

  Selection Competition

  was launched on last Friday

  24 contestants

  participated in this contest 



  Principal Wang is giving opening address

  With the theme of

  "telling the story of China to the world"

  this speech contest focuses on

  economic development

  scientific and technological innovation

  cultural heritage

  environmental protection

  and achievements

  since the 70th anniversary

  of the founding of New China

  The contestants have independently

  chosen the specific content

  and presented their speech

  which was about 2-3 minutes. 



  Liyu Chen


  member of Shanghai Scenario Association

  is commenting on the contestants' performance

  Comments from Keith

  Dean of FTs of International Department

  First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate each and every one of the participants of this excellent competition. Having heard carefully listened to all the speeches, it’s very clear just how much time and effort you’ve put into researching and preparing your presentations, so I’d like to commend you all on your efforts and dedication to improving and enlarging your vocabularies.

  I think I speak for the other foreign teachers who’ve had the privilege of traveling to China and living in this amazing country when I say how fortunate we feel to experience China first-hand. We have seen the richness of Chinese traditional festivals and culture, but most people around the world might never have this tremendous opportunity. It’s for this reason that I want to express how wonderful I think this competition is because it’s a chance for Chinese students to share the long, rich, history of traditional Chinese culture with the world.

  It’s also important for all of you to continue working and improving your English so that you can one day go out into the wider world and communicate these important stories about Chinese culture across the globe.

  Thank you!  

  Prizes For Them








  Entering this new era

  our Chinese youth should shoulder

  the responsibility and mission

  entrusted to us by our nation

  love our motherland

  love learning

  understand history

  inherit culture

  and be the successor

  and creator of Chinese stories

  Entering this new era

  our young people in China need to

  stick to their original heart

  encourage them to advance and

  be brave to be the pioneers, pioneers

  who can lead our country to the future!


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