


发布日期:2019-04-08 17:12 阅读:2409人



The essence of education is to learn to think, the purpose of education is to cultivate a person's comprehensive abilities, to give children more possibilities of the way of thinking methods and directions, to learn for the future.




This is an interesting and innovative classroom, the perfect blend of English reading class and music class, in the study to cultivate students ' excellent imagination, creativities, writing abilities, aesthetic taste and overall understanding.




Overall understanding: Refers to the world we live in, the way of life is closely related, vivid and flexible, adaptable and proactive understanding.





"Let the child stand in the middle of the future.", not only a slogan, as a VBS teacher, we are putting it into practice in every section of the classroom.




Today, let's share the creative classroom of ESL in junior high school.







As a music lover and creative individual, I wanted to bring a fun and "cool" aspect to the Great Books English Curriculum that is implemented here at VBS. Our current story " The No- Guitar Blues " is about a boy who doesn't have enough money to buy a guitar to pursue his dream of being a musician in his own band, as he goes through a tough decision regarding integrity to get the money he needs.


在故事的结尾,这位叫Fausto的男孩学会了弹吉他。我想要七年级学生们设想一下,这是故事发生后的很多年,Fausto要写下这个故事 。七年级的学生们“深入”到故事中,想象他们是Fausto,一个没有钱的孩子较终得到了一把吉他去追求他的梦想。


At the end of the story, the boy whose name is Fausto learns how to play this guitar. I wanted students to imagine that it is several years after the story's end and that Fausto is writing a song about what happened. The Grade 7 students "dive deep" into the story and imagine that they are Fausto, the kid with no money who eventually got a guitar to pursue his dream.




 Coming together with the talented music teacher "Ross", we collaborated on a great project to assign each student in a group to discuss how Fausto felt about an event in the story and how he might express it with lyrics and music . Each of the groups were assigned different important events in the story to write a song to based on a specific passage. This project allows students to learn how to work together, communicate and generate ideas in a creative process here at VBS.




This is a lessson  of a lot of creation and full mobilization of students to allow them learn and think with enthusiasms. Completely broke the general curriculum of the teaching methods. This is alos a lesson to povide both the Chinese and foreign teachers  profound teaching inspiration. At VBS, we advocate providing a practical platform for students to be able to adapt to their lifelong development and social development needs, so that students can use the knowledge they have learned to solve practical problems. Here at our school, such exploration and practice continues.













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