


发布日期:2020-08-17 15:59 阅读:2718人



  My name is Brenton Reid, and I'm from a small town of around 10,000 people called Kings Mountain, North Carolina. I come from large family with two younger brothers and one older sister, and over a dozen cousins. I can truly say there was never a dull moment in our family. My siblings and cousins and I were often outside exploring and trying out as many new and different things as we could. This curiosity led to a lot of unique experiences and life lessons. This curiosity has also fueled me well beyond my youth.

  我是Brenton Reid,来自North Carolina一个约有10000人的小镇Kings Mountain。我有一个大家庭,两个弟弟和一个姐姐,还有十几个堂兄弟姐妹。真的可以说,我们家从来没有过无聊的时刻。我和我的兄弟姐妹、堂兄弟姐妹经常在外面探索和尝试尽可能多的新鲜事物。这种好奇心导致了我们收获了许多独特的经历和人生教训。这种好奇心也激励着我,使我远远超越了我年轻时代的小伙伴们。

  After high school, I moved to Raleigh, NC to go to school at North Carolina State University. At university I uncovered a new world, there were so many new people, ideas, opportunities, and experiences. My time in university was a large part of what shaped me into the man I am today. I learned the importance of self-control, responsibility, self-sustainability, money management, time management, and many other skills that have helped me in my personal and professional adult life.

  高中毕业后,我搬到North Carolina的Raleigh,前往North Carolina State University上学。在大学里,我开启了人生中的新世界——有很多新的人、新的想法、新的机会和新的经历。大学的时光,是塑造我成为今天这个人的重要因素。我学会并认识到自我控制、责任担当、自我维持、金钱管理、时间管理以及其他许多在我的个人和职业生涯中对我有帮助的技能的重要性。

  Following graduating in finance, I worked in corporate America for around 2 years before realizing that it wasn't for me. I found myself seeking a new direction and after about a month of praying and looking around, I came across an opportunity to teach in China for one year. I figured a year abroad would be nice, that was 6 years ago. Now, I have found a second home in China and I've expanded my family – marrying a lovely young woman and adding a son to our ever-growing family. I've learned and grown a lot since the boy running around outside with his cousins. I hope to pass on many of the life lessons I've learned to the students who pass through Northcross School Shanghai.



  Teachers are possible the most important influence in the lives of our children. From the age of 3 or 4 until 18, children spend hundreds of hours in the presence of teachers. Teachers are responsible for not only teaching young people things that will be tested, but also for teaching young people how to be good people. It's more important for a teacher to teach a child how to be a good person than it is for the teacher to teach the child how to pass a test. I'm not sure I can comment on how to grow rapidly from a new teacher to an excellent teacher, I don't believe I would qualify as an excellent teacher. If I could comment on how a teacher can be better, I would say to constantly try and learn from others-other teachers, parents, administrators, and students. Over the past 6 years in education, I've learned that you can never learn enough about being a better teacher.



  A teacher can show responsibility and love in the teaching process by ALWAYS teaching, not just teaching in the classroom. This includes teaching appropriate etiquette for the appropriate situation and disciplining students who misbehave. I'm still trying to figure out the right method to deal with individual differences among students and establishing good rapport. I tried to do this by simply talking to students about things that aren't related to classes-their hobbies, weekend plans, family life, friends, etc. I also enjoy sharing my own personal life with students, I hope this allows them to see me as a human and not just a teacher. I like to share photos from my life - family, travel, events, etc. Generally, students have been much more receptive of talking to me after I share personal things with them.



  This is the first international school I've worked at, and what really surprises me is the need for emotional support. Before coming to Northcross, I taught at East China Normal University and Shanghai Jiaotong University, so the students were all adults. The moment that most moved me was during my first year at Northcross. I was sitting at my desk when a homeroom teacher came over to me and asked me if I could talk to a student who was crying. I asked the other teacher why me, and she responded that the student felt closest to me out of all teachers. I was nearly brought to tears while I listened to her tell me about the pressure she faced from her mom to be the top student. She cried for half an hour about how she wasn't allowed to do much of anything she was interested in. She was forced to study constantly, every hour of every day was scheduled with some class or tutor. I did all I could to help her, but wasn't sure it was enough. After about an hour of talking, she was laughing and smiling – though still quite sad. It made me realize that as teachers, we have the power to influence students' outlook on their circumstances.



  I hit rock bottom in my first year as a high school teacher. I was teaching senior students, and I wasn't aware of how little seniors care about high school. Out of a class of 25 students, only 5 of them pass our midterm, and I was infuriated. The 5 students who passed received a score of at least an 80%, which showed me that the exam wasn't too difficult, the 20 who failed simply didn't study or try. I lost my temper and yelled at the class for being so careless in their studies. After that class, I had no idea what to do next because we only had half a semester left and the class hadn't learned the first half of the semester's material. I overcame this by relying on experienced teachers. I sought advice from five or six different teachers, and their advice helped guide me the rest of the semester. The students' motivation improved significantly, and I modified my teaching style to suit senior high school students. Every student passed my class and was able to graduate, I was very proud of them.



  The thing I appreciate most about contemporary students is their willingness to help teachers. A core skill in life is the willingness to help others. I firmly believe that you get out of this world what you put into it. If you're willing to go out of your way to help others, others will be willing to go out of their way to help you. One example is from one of my favorite students. He is always asking me and other teachers if we need help carrying books, class material, cleaning a whiteboard, etc. I often see him in the teachers' office helping a teacher with something. He doesn't always get an A in class, but because of his attitude and willingness to help, he gets an A+ as a person.



  NCSH is a place that allows teachers and students to grow. Our students have every opportunity to make themselves better, but it's up to them to seize the opportunity. The school is often willing to try something new introduced by a teacher – and it's nice to see a school that not only encourages teachers to do things differently, but openly supports this. I think someone (teacher or student) should choose NCSH because it's a place that's open to change and improvement.



  I balance personal, family, and student relationships on WeChat (haha). Seriously, I'm not quite sure. I guess it comes down to priorities and clear communication. I do my best to prioritize my family over all other relationships, but at the same time commit specific time to different relationships. When I'm at work, my relationships with my colleagues and students are my main priority. I make it clear to my students that they can find me at anytime during the school day, and email me after school. I also make it clear that after a certain time at night, my time is committed to my family, so I may not reply to non-emergency messages. When I'm at home, my familial relationships are my main priority. I also make it clear to my family that when I'm at work, I may not reply to a message or phone call because my priority is work.



  If I could say one thing to my own child and future NCSH students, it'd be to learn from your mistakes and failures. As human beings, we're doomed to make countless mistakes and to fail again and again over the course of our lives – and that's okay. It's not okay, however, to make the same mistake or failure over and over again. We must do our best to learn from our shortcomings, as to not repeat them. One quote I love is attributed to Thomas Edison, he says, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." This is how we must look at life. No one can be perfect, but anyone can give up. Don't be one of those people.



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