


发布日期:2020-04-01 14:06 阅读:2288人


  1、法拉古特天津校区是一所怎样的学校?What kind of school is Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin ?


  Answer: Admiral Farragut Academy Tianjin , formerly the International Department of Yaohua High School in Tianjin, was founded in 2013 and became an independent campus in 2016. It is the only international school in Heping District. It is located at No. 3 Yantai Road. The school building is a century-old historical relic building: the location of American Barracks.

  2、学校的招收对象是谁?Who is the prospective student of school enrollment?


  Answer: For the whole country, students of Grade 6 and Grade 9 students who have the intention of going abroad and have outstanding English achievements are recruited.

  3、美国法拉古特学校是一所怎样的学校?What kind of school is Admiral Farragut Academy in the United States?

  答:法拉古特学校以美国第一位海军上将David Farragut命名,有85年的建校历史。学校较早选址建在新泽西,后于1945年迁往佛罗里达州,目前为当地排名前五的私立学校,是一所大学预备学校,每年都有多名学生进入大学就读,如哈佛、耶鲁、斯坦福等美国学校,为培养学生进入大学就读为办学目标。在法拉古特学校成立八十多年中,培养了众多杰出校友,人类历史上12位登陆月球的宇航员中,有两位毕业于法拉古特学校,分别为上将Alan Shepard和Charles Duke。

  Answer: Admiral Farragut Academy in the United States is named after David Farragut, the first admiral in the United States. It has 85 years of history. The school was first located in New Jersey and then moved to Florida in 1945. It is currently the top five private school in Florida. It is a preparatory school for a top university. Every year, many students attend top universities in the United States, such as Harvard, Yale and Stanford. It aims to prepare students to attend top universities in the United States. Over the past eighty years since the founding of the Admiral Farragut Academy, many outstanding alumni have graduated. Of the 12 astronauts who landed on the moon in human history, two graduated from the Farragut School, General Alan Shepard and Charles Duke, respectively.

  4、学校在班级人数上的设置是怎样的?What is the school’s class size?


  Answer: At present, there are 5 grades, 300 students, 20-25 students in each class.

  5、学校毕业生情况如何?What are the prospects of school graduates?


  Answer:As of 2018, there have been four classes of senior three graduates. of the students have been admitted to the top 80 universities in the United States. Nearly half of the students have entered the top 50 universities in the United States.

  6、学校如何开设课程班?How does the school offer courses?


  Answer: There are two kinds: At three-year high school curriculum class and five-year consistent experimental class.

  7、学校的核心竞争力有哪些?What is the core competitiveness of the school?



  Answer: (1) Superior geographical position: Our school is located in No. 3 Yantai Road, Heping District. It is the only international school in Heping District. Its surroundings are beautiful and quiet, and its cultural background is rich. The school building is located in a one hundred-year-old American barracks with a distinguished sense of place.

  (2) Educational objectives: the top 50 universities in the United States and the top 100 universities in the world.

  8、就读学校毕业后可申请的国家有哪些?What countries can you apply for after graduation?


  Answer: The United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, Japan, etc.


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