

重磅!2022年深圳市音奥艺术书院 DSE招生简章

发布日期:2022-10-11 15:32 阅读:2215 人

深圳市音奥艺术书院(Yin'ao International Arts Academy ,英文简称:YIAA,中文简称:音奥书院)是由奥地利萨尔茨堡艺术教育联盟、广东省英奥国际艺术教育管理有限公司、满京华集团联手打造的粤港澳大湾区艺术国际学校。书院由联盟授权,以音乐大师莫扎特的求艺精神为圭臬,肩负起在中国推广莫扎特音乐精神的历史使命。我们将世界艺术学府教授团队和课程引入中国,培养具有国际视野的世界艺术人才,用理想的艺术教育,实现艺术教育的理想,让每位心怀艺术梦的学子在这所艺术殿堂得到原汁原味的国际艺术教育。
The Yin'ao International Arts Academy (YIAA) is the international arts academy located in GBA, which is jointly founded by Salzburg Art Education Union of Austria, Guangdong Ying’ao International Art Education Management Co., Ltd. and Manjinghua group. The academy is authorized by the Alliance to takes Mozart's spirit as the standard and undertakes the mission of promoting Mozart's musical spirit in China. We bring the professional teams and courses of the world's arts universities to China, cultivate world-class arts talents with international vision, and let all students to make their dream come true.
We offer  BTEC courses with four arts majors, which are music, dance, drama and media.  The courses are guided and taught by renowned teachers, experts and artists from China and abroad. The students of YIAA will have a tailored career development plan under the guidance of teachers and professionals in these fields.

PART 02/什么是DSE
HKDSE课程是由香港考试及评核局(考评局)主办的国际认可的公开考试课程。考试从2012年开始面向全球公开招生,考生可凭DSE成绩申请包括剑桥大学、伦敦政经学院、新加坡国立大学、香港大学、 耶鲁大学、澳洲国立大学、多伦多大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、纽约大学等超过300所世界大学。HKDSE课程也是与国内普通高中课程最为相似的国际课程,是大湾区教育融合协同发展的课程实践平台,适合大湾区港澳跨境学生、内地选择国际课程的学生修读。
粤港澳大湾区菁英申请计划⸺香港中学文 凭考试HKDES课程,由香港校长专业发展促进会与深圳市教育对外交流培训中心共同发起举办,由音奥书院校区承办。课程引入香港教学资源,师资团队由香港校长及教授组成,拥有钻研DSE教学多年的教师。香港校长专业发展促进会亦提供香港本地学校资源,支持DSE课程教学、教研交流,搭建内地与香港之间的桥梁。在香港校长专业发展促进会支持下,港籍学生将衔接香港本地学校课程,发挥课程独特优势,为申请香港本地高校助力。
The HKDSE is an internationally recognised public examination organised by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA). The exam has been open to global admissions since 2012. Candidates can apply for Cambridge University, The London School of Economics and Political Science, National University of Singapore, Hong Kong University, Yale University, Australian National University, University of Toronto, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, New York University and more than 300 world-class universities with DSE scores. HKDSE is also the only international course that is most similar to ordinary high school courses in China. It is a curriculum practice platform for the integration and collaborative development of education in the Greater Bay Area, suitable for Hong Kong and Macao cross-border students in the Greater Bay Area and mainland students who choose international courses.
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Elite Education Scheme: HKDES Course is jointly sponsored by the Hong Kong Principals Professional Development Association and Shenzhen Education International Exchange and Training Centre and undertaken by Shenzhen Yin'ao International Arts Academy. The course introduces high quality teaching resources from Hong Kong, and the teaching team is formed by famous principals and professors in Hong Kong, who have been studying DSE teaching for many years. The association also provides Hong Kong local high quality school resources, supports DSE arithmetic teaching, teaching and research, building entrance bridge between mainland and Hong Kong. With the support of the Association, Hong Kong students can be connected to the curriculum of Hong Kong schools, give full play to the unique advantages of the curriculum, and facilitate the application of Hong Kong elite schools.

PART 03/课程优势

Hundreds of universities around the world recognize DSE results
对留学生而言,国内高考在国际上的认可度不高,不少国家要求参加高考的学生多读一年语言班或参加额外语言考试。DSE得到美国、英国、澳洲、加拿大、新加坡、日本等超过280所海外大学认可,而且免考雅思、托福。英国大学的统一学生申请机构(UCAS)已将DSE纳入分数对照制度,澳洲亦承认香港中学文 凭等同其高中毕业证。而港籍学生还可以通过“免试招生计划”,以DSE的成绩申请内地112所高等院校,当中不乏“985”、“211”大学。
For students who study abroad, the National College Entrance Examnation is not well recognized internationally, and many countries require students to take an extra year of language classes or take additional language tests. DSE has been recognized by more than 280 universities in the United States, The United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Japan and other countries. UCAS in the United Kingdom has incorporated DSE into the system, and Australia recognizes the HKDSE as its high school diploma. Hong Kong students can also apply to 112 mainland institutions of higher learning with DSE results through the "Exam-free Admission Scheme", among which there are many "985" and "211" universities.
DSE is less difficult than NEMT
DSE的课程范畴与国内高中接近,但考试难度远低于国内高考,考生只需要掌握答题技巧和做题模式便可以考取不错的成绩。此外,随着国内考生人数上升,录取率也随之下降,目前985高校录取率仅有2%,211则为5% 。反观DSE考生只有约五万人,而DSE文 凭课程世界前100录取率高达85%,香港八所大学的DSE录取率接近30%,而DSE考生人数是高考的约1/2000,竞争远低于高考。
The curriculum of DSE is similar to that of NEMT, but the exam difficulty is much lower. Students only need to master the answering skills and mode. In addition, as the number of Chinese examinees has increased, the admission rate has also decreased, with only 2 percent of 985 universities accepting students and 5 percent of 211 universities. In contrast, there are only about 50,000 DSE candidates, while the admission rate of DSE diploma courses from top 100 universities in the world is as high as 85%. The admission rate of DSE from eight universities in Hong Kong is close to 30%. However, the number of DSE candidates is about 1/2000 of that of the college entrance examination, and the competition is much lower than that of the college entrance examination.
Less pressure
Unlike NEMT, DSE allows students to choose subjects based on their interests and abilities, allowing them to give full play to their strengths. The time of the NEMT finishes within three days, while the time of the DSE is from March to May every year. The time of HKDSE does not conflict with the NEMT, students can prepare for both. In addition, the test time is scattered over two weeks, so that the pressure of the examinee is less, and the test results are valid for two years. The examinee who retakes the test can only retake the subjects whose results are not ideal, and continue to use the results of other subjects last year.
PART 04/课程设置
Our professional teaching team has been deeply engaged in DSE courses for many years. We have rich teaching resources in Hong Kong schools and advanced teaching materials in China, bringing the most authentic DSE teaching to students. In addition, the course will be taught in English. Students will take the English version of the DSE exam in the future, which will help students improve their English academic ability and adapt to the English teaching environment in Hong Kong and abroad.
In order to enrich students' learning experience, and let them learn knowledge in different fields and improve their personal quality, we will also provide foreign language classes and arts classes, where students can experience authentic international arts teaching and learn foreign languages to improve their academic background and make better preparations for studying abroad.
PART 05/师资团队

PART 06/招生信息
招生对象 Targets
学费 Tuition Fee
15.8万人民币/年 CN¥158,000 per year
*最终以收费文件规定为准。The Statement Of Fees Is Subject To Our General Terms And Conditions.
入学考试 Admission Exam
Written exam (English, mathematics and logic) and interview.

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