


发布日期:2019-09-09 11:20 阅读:1788人

  DOS’ Newsletter




  Dear Parents,


  It has been great first week of school. I would like to share with you a few highlights:

  1. 分层和走班。孩子们在拿到定制的课表后,随之而来的不仅是激动、期待,更是随时随处的自我反思。他们总能满怀憧憬地提前备好学习材料及问题进入相应的科室与老师和同学交流,课堂上积极思考和参与老师的每一次提问和每一个课堂活动。铃声结束或意犹未尽地跟同学老师继续探讨课堂上的问题,或主动反思课堂成效进而考虑目前的层次真的是我的best fit 吗? 同时各科老师也通过课堂教学及与同学们交谈深入评估每位学生在分层教学及走班过程中的适应度,排查在各科各层学有余力或学起来较吃力的学生,及时根据学生程度调整分层,我们会在整个学年进行这项工作,争取让学生在较适合他们的层次里找到较适宜的学习方法,以较合宜的脚步取得相应的进步。

  1. Differentiating and classified classes. Once the students received their customized timetable, not only was the excitement seen on their faces, but also the self-reflection was started in those young minds. They are coming prepared with their learning materials and problems in advance to their corresponding classroom to work with their teachers and classmates. In the classes, they thought and answered every question and participated in every classroom activity. After the class, they continue to reflect on what they have learn from the class and also consider whether the current level is really their best fit. At the same time, the teachers are evaluating the adaptability of each student in the process of teaching and interacting with the students. Getting to know about the students helps identify those students who actually can move up to another level. This process will continue throughout their studies. We will talk with students individually and adjust their classes if it is applicable.



  2. GIA course objectives and assessment. It is very important for both students who are newly enrolled to the GIA program and those who are returning from last year to understand their learning objectives, progress, and evaluation requirements before they start to take the course. With the guidance of the teachers, students are carefully taking notes of the important dates, important contents and important events of each subject in the coming school year. Meanwhile, with their teachers’ help, they are pondering the following questions: S (specific) What do I need to do in order to complete the my learning goals? M(measurable)- How do I evaluate the quality of the work that I have done? A (attainable)- Are my goals attainable? R (relevant) -What is the relevance between each subject and each step of my learning process? T (time-based)-What is the deadline for each project? The SMART target management model for various disciplines and academics has been implemented. It is incredible for them to be responsible for their own future from such a young age.



  3. Building Classroom Culture. Every child is openly and thoughtfully discussing with their classmates under the guidance of the teacher. Those thought-provoking discussion questions include: what is the ideal learning environment? What rule do I need to follow? What behaviour is not allowed in class or study hall? Apart from their passion for discussion, their eagerness to share in class, engagement in cooperative learning and hard work in study hall are not hard to find on campus.


  They are the most adorable children in this world since they are creative thinkers, active learners and aspiring doers. My sincerest thanks goes to every child, who has brought tremendous joy to us. Also, thank you for choosing us to accompany and guide your children as they grow. With the joint efforts between you and us, every child will definitely become better self.






  Best regards.


  Wang Juan



  1. 微积分课上,孩子们课堂气氛十分活跃。在滑铁卢Pascal竞赛测验中的表现的优异程度更令老师欣喜,翻看孩子们笔记时我们萌生出了传授他们康奈尔笔记法的想法。

  2. Pre-calculus同学展现出了高于美国学生平均水平的数学能力,但我想我们在这种课堂上更多的是充当英语老师的角色,孩子们需要适应听英文的数学课和用英文解答问题哦。

  3. 下周将会举行AP班的分班诊断考试,相信孩子们周末在家一定认真准备,并带上计算器到学校信心满满地到学校接受考试。


  1. 学习方法部分科学组给出了开学建议以及要求, 建议每位同学准备一个学术词汇本,在生物、化学、物理、综合科学的学习中,每天都会产生分类的各科专业词汇,该习惯在孩子们的的学习生涯中扮演者重要角色。

  2. 记录笔记,很多新同学从初中转上来后,还不了解高中的学习方式,高中的国际科目课程繁多,授课时间紧凑,所以每科的知识都需要在课后有消化以及吸收的需求,若课后无法复原课堂上的重要知识点,每天的遗漏在长期学业生涯中会造成严重的漏洞。

  1.Learning skill: highly suggest that every student copies the new academic words into a notebook.

  2.Notes taking: the learning style in GIA high school is very different from the primary high school, and it is more multidisciplinary and intensive scheduled. Students need to review the key points during the night self-study, if they want to achieve a good result in the final examination.



  第一节课同学们精神状态都很饱满、朝气蓬勃 ,〝新学期、新气象〞焕然一新,未来的学习生活或将是一个漫长的学习生涯 ,四年以后走出国门、奔向世界。毛主席说身体是革命的本钱,同学们正值青春美好年华的学生时期,学好文化知识的同时也应身强力壮。在本周的体育课中 ,让同学们了解到“ 体育不应仅仅是让学生参加体育运动和做游戏。体育锻炼的目的是发展一组可以转移使用的技能,以促进同学们在身体、智力、情感以及社交方面的发展;鼓励学同学们现在和今后都能做出有益于长久健康生活的选择;使同学了解体育活动对个人和社区的文化意义。” 希望同学们在日后在课堂能完成老师安排的锻炼任务,完成并落实自我的运动锻炼计划 ,进一步提高与形成精炼的运动技能,培养自我锻炼意识,提高身体素质。


  In the first class, the students are full of spirit and vitality. The semester and weather will be completely new for the students. Their future study life will be a long learning career. After four years, they will go abroad and head for the world. Chairman Mao said that the body is the capital of the revolution. The students are worthy of their youthful years. When they learn cultural knowledge, they should also be strong. In this week's physical education class, the students will learn that “PE is more than just sports and games." The purpose of physical exercise is to develop a set of skills that can be transferred to promote the physical and mental skills of the students; emotional and social development; encourage students to make choices that are beneficial to a long-term healthy life now and in the future; to enable students to understand the cultural significance of sports activities to individuals and communities.” I hope that students will be able to complete this in the future. The teacher will arrange the exercise tasks, implement the self-exercise program, form refined motor skills, cultivate self-exercise awareness, and improve physical fitness.



1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点;
2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。

预约探校 招生报名



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