

Collaboration and communication!Newsletter

发布日期:2019-10-15 16:25 阅读:2083人

  Dear Parents,

  Welcome back from our National Holiday break. I trust everyone had a pleasant and joyous holiday. It was wonderful to see all the children again as the campus was very lonely and quiet without them here!

  欢迎从我们的国庆假期回来。我相信每个人都度过了一个愉快的假期。很高兴再次见到所有的孩子,因为没有他们在这里, 整个校园显得非常的孤独和安静!


  Prior to leaving for break the students and staff at ZWWC celebrated the holiday with a barbecue, live music by our students and performances by the students. Everyone joined in and had a pleasant evening with friends and teachers before leaving for the holiday. Our many thanks to Student Services and the Student Council for making this event possible.



  We return to a very busy time at ZWWC. The students are settling into their schedules and we are half way through the first quarter of the school year. Parents are reminded that they can check their student’s grades and homework results on the SchoolPal site. Your password is the same as your child’s. Please be sure to take a look as it will keep you informed on your students progress.



  As we firmly believe that teachers never stop learning and are always working to become better and stronger at their vocation, we welcome Mr. David Roderick to our campus. Mr. Roderick is the Director of Professional Development. He will hold trainings for all teachers to instruct them in preparing students academically for Western Universities. He will also meet with teachers individually and in small groups to assist them in perfecting their teaching skills. We thank Mr. Roderick for working with us and appreciate the opportunity for continued growth.



  There has been much discussion around the school regarding Advanced Placement classes and which classes a student should take. For your viewing I have included a revised list of the top twelve AP Tests according to College Board that are the most popular (please note this list has been altered to allow for classes that may be offered in China). This list is not a recommendation but for information only.



  Best regards,

  Phyllis Roderick

  Principal ZWWC


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2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主;
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预约探校 招生报名



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