合肥加拿大国际学校> 校园风采
免责声明: 1. 为方便家长更好的阅读和理解,该页面关于学校信息描述可能采用了学校视角,描述中涉及的“我”、“我们”、“我校”等第一人称指代学校本身,并不代表远播公司或其观点; 2. 此网页内容目的在于提供信息参考,来源于网络公开内容,具体以学校官方发布为主; 3. 若素材有侵权或其他问题,请联系我们。
杜** 提问:
M** 提问:
When should I submit my application?
The CISH academic year begins in August and applic...
P** 提问:
Is it necessary for my child to have an interview...
Yes. Students will be interviewed with the Adminis...
龚** 提问:
Must my child be fluent in English to attend CISH?
No. As an international school, CISH support an in...
张** 提问:
Is there a school uniform?
Yes. We have school uniform A & B. A is the more f...
合肥加拿大国际学校| MYP Open House
CISH trip, Sanhe Ancient Town The staff families visited Sanhe Ancient Town