

香港课程体系候任执行校长钟国基 :我的教育理念及教学心得|My Educational Ideology

发布日期:2021-11-04 13:14 阅读:1611人



  My Educational ideology

  ■ 传统上,老师担当重要的角色,让学生掌握学科的内容,现今资讯科技发达,学生可以透过互联网搜寻不同的资讯,藉此建构知识,这是否意味著老师的角色将会被电脑取代,不能对教学作出贡献?

  Traditionally, teachers have played an important role to help students understand the content of different subjects. Nowadays, with the development of information technology, students can surf internet for information and learn on their own. Does this mean that the role of teachers will be replaced by computers, with little to contribute to students’ learning?

  ■ 本人认为,帮助学生建构知识,是老师的教学范围之一,但培养学生的德性和群性方面,更是重要的范畴。如果学生缺乏了解难能力、正确的价值观和沟通能力,他们的五育就不能得到均衡的发展。五育是指德、智、体、群、美,每个范畴都担当了重要的角色,影响学生的全人发展。有见及此,本人希望学生的群育和德育得以充分的发展。

  In my opinion, instilling knowledge to students is just one of many jobs of teachers. What is more important is to help cultivate students' virtue and social relationship. If students lack the ability to solve problems, be devoid of good values and communication skills, their personal value cannot be developed. Five of the most treasured personal values are morality, intelligence, health, social relationship and inner beauty. Each category plays an important role and affects the their whole person development. Therefore, I hope that students' social relationship and moral education can be fully developed.

  ■ 首先,培养学生的群性发展,就要透过社区本位教育。以社区议题为开端,可以让学生直接思考议题背后的根本概念。透过社区本位教育,例如:参观社区设施、名胜古迹、认识有关服务机构等活动,不但可以加深学生对周遭环境的认识,而且还可以培养他们对社区的归属感。在不同的户外活动中,学生可加强同学之间的沟通,有助于他们的群性发展。

  Firstly, one of the ways to cultivate students' social relationship is through community-based approach. Starting with community issues, students can think about the basic concepts represented by the issues. Through community-based education, such as visiting community facilities and historical sites and getting known of the relevant service departments, students not only can deepen their understanding of the surrounding environment, but also develop their sense of belonging to the community. In different outdoor activities, students have chance to improve their communication skill and hence enhance their social relationship.

  ■ 其次,培养学生的德育发展,就要透过艺术教育。艺术教育的要旨,除了让学生掌握美术知识、创作技巧和作品欣赏的范畴外,还要培养学生领悟美感 ─ 德性,体会到艺术给予他们的感觉,如何透过艺术表达他们的情感,体会爱和关怀,使其身心得到均衡的发展。

  Secondly, the development of students' moral education should be related to arts education. The aim of arts education is not merely to enable students to master the knowledge, creative skills or develop an attitude of art appreciation. It is also closely related with the purpose to foster students’ understanding of inner beauty (virtue), to allow them to experience the feeling that art brings to them, to raise their ability to express their emotions through art and through art appreciation to experience love and care. Eventually they can have balanced personal development.

  ■ 本人投身视觉艺术教育,是以统整艺术达到人格教育为目标。理解艺术作品必先从理解各项文化条件入手,从发掘社区文化开始,寻根探源,明白艺术的独有价值均离不开自身文化由内而外的反思。因此,了解艺术品的内容和背后的社区、文化和思想脉络便成为学习艺术的重要根据。

  I devote myself to visual arts education with the goal of integrating arts education and personality education. To know more about art works, we must start with understanding different cultural elements, exploring community culture and identifying historical development so that we understand the value of art is rooted in our own culture. Therefore, it is crucial for students learning art to understand its content and the community features and cultural context.

  ■ 本人执教时,就是秉承以上的教育理念,藉此培养学生良好的品德和创造力,使他们的五育发展更为完备,这就是本人为教育工作献身的理由。

  While being a teacher, I dedicated to cultivating students' morality, creativity and their personal development. This is the reason I devote myself to education in the future.


  My Teaching Belief

  ■ 今天,教书的工作已经跟从前不一样,老师同时是「慈母」、「兄姐」、「朋友」甚至是「同学」或「推销员」,我们唯有了解学生,才可能强化他们的学习效能。

  Nowadays, teaching is different from it was in the past. Teachers may be ‘mothers’, ‘brothers and sisters’, ‘friends’, and even ‘classmates’ or ‘salesmen’. We have to understand students more so that they can help strengthen their learning efficiency.


  Stay with students


  With more than ten years of teaching, I have been teaching students based on their interests. Students are different from one year to another year. I have to prepare teaching materials to cater for students’ learning needs.


  Teachers would set up various programs to cater for students’ individual needs, such as ‘tutorial classes’ and ‘remedial lessons’. Apart from being a teacher, we must go beyond classroom and get close to students. By doing so, teachers can listen to them and provide suitable measures according to their different demands.


  Teachers are not merely to instill knowledge in the classroom. Nowadays, students can learn in different ways. What they really need is the ‘wisdom’ of life and the ‘attitude’ towards society. Some students just need a word of care which they may not possibly get in the family, while others need a ‘slap’ before ‘getting lost’! Therefore, my teaching philosophy is to start from "partnership". I have taught for many years. I try to stand in students’ shoes and talk with them as equally as possible.


  Play various roles


  If I were not a teacher, I might be an actor, playing different roles on the stadium. After being a teacher, I find that the job of ‘teacher’ is similar to that of ‘actor’.


  ‘Teaching’ and ‘learning’ are inseparable. I will lend my notes to my students and help them grasp my learning strategy. I will also share the experience of failure, not just tell them how good I have been and how good my grades I have achieved.


  It is important to set an example. Students need someone to stay with them. Therefore, when students need to answer questions or do exercises in class, I will follow them, not just playing the role of commander who gives orders.


  Work in a team


  Teaching effectiveness should not be measured by grades only. Students' achievements cannot be attributed to single teacher. Teachers should try their best in order to improve students’ reading atmosphere and create a suitable learning environment. Teachers of subjects should cooperate together for the betterment of students. If students have problems, all teachers will try to help and give them their support.


  Work together with students


  What teacher should do is edge each students’ potential and encourage them to be the main character in their own stadium. We can't only pay attention to the responsive students. We should teach our students how to be a star on their own in the right time and how to how to take up a supporting role when appropriate.


  With 15 years of teaching, I have gradually developed some appropriate teaching strategies which are useful to achieve ‘effective teaching’. Students would be encouraged to learn on their own initiative. While observing students making progress, it is a confirmation of my teaching no matter how much time I have to spend. I am satisfied with the sense of being sure and comfort. No doubt, the most important job of a teacher is to ‘teach well’. But both we as teachers and students can learn and grow together in teaching and learning.


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