On 23th May, 2019 , Vice Chancellor Laurie Pearcey of UNSW Sydney came to visit our school along with four faculty deans and other members of school team. They were from the faculties of business school, science, engineering, Law, medicine, built environment, social science and arts & design. This event has attracted prospective students and lots of parents.
UNSW Sydney 2019 Open Day gave our students a chance to experience life at UNSW, explore the campus and their future study options. Through the open day, students were able to get answers to all the questions they had about and discover their interests by talking to the teachers of different faculties. During the consulting session, our students had a meaningful and productive interaction with the professors of UNSW, and they were really impressed by our students’ language and intercultural communication skills. All of us had a very pleasant and memorable experience in this afternoon.
悉尼新南威尔士大学2019旗舰见面会于5月23日在上海民办金苹果学校_西澳国际启动了上海站的第一篇章。中文十级的副校长Laurie Pearcey和专业且活泼的院长及老师们纷纷聚集我校。有商学院的副院长Richard Dunford,理学部副院长Dane McCamey,工程学部副院长Xiao Lin Zhao以及人文社会科学部的副院长Marc Williams等教授和老师,给了我校学生一个体验USNW Sydney生活、探索校园和未来学习选择的机会。当天场面超燃,除了八大学院(商学院、理学院、工程学院、美术与设计学院、人文与社会科学院、城市建筑环境学院、法学院、医学院)的老师亲自指导大家课程设置和录取要求外,招生、住宿、职业发展和国际中心的老师也亲临现场为我校学生和家长进行咨询和答疑。
UNSW Sydney是澳洲八大中比较年轻的大学,1949年建立。但它是澳洲第一所国际化大学,1951年就开始招收国际化学生,并率先在亚洲开设了代表处。虽然年轻,但是UNSW的学术实力非常强劲。
2019 QS世界大学学科排名新南威尔士大学世界50强学科:
No. 6 矿物工程与采矿工程 Engineering- Mineral & Mining
No. 12 土木工程与结构工程 Engineering - Civil & Structural
No. 14 法律 Law
No. 15 会计与金融Accounting & Finance
No. 19 环境科学Environmental Sciences
No. 21 心理学 Psychology
No. 25 建筑/环境 Architecture / Built Environment
No. 26 商务与管理 Business & Management Studies
No. 31 经济学与计量经济学 Economics & Econometrics
No. 33 地球与海洋科学 Earth & Marine Sciences
No. 35 材料科学 Materials Science
No. 36 电气工程与电子工程 Engineering - Electrical & Electronic
No. 38 数学 Mathematics
No. 39 英语语言及文学 English Language & Literature
No. 40 通信与传媒研究 Communication & Media Studies
No. 42 化学工程 Engineering - Chemical
No. 44 艺术与设计 Art & Design
No. 46 解剖学与生理学 Anatomy & Physiology